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基于高分辨率遥感影像的大洋河河口湿地景观格局变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
综合考虑遥感数据源的高分辨率特性以及大洋河河口湿地土地覆被与土地利用现状,建立了适合不同分辨率的河口湿地景观分类体系,并通过高分辨率遥感数据计算了研究区景观格局指数和景观格局转移矩阵,分析了1984-2008年研究区景观格局动态.结果表明:1984-2008年,研究区湿地景观组分变化剧烈,湿地景观由天然湿地向人工湿地转化,湿地核心区域面积缩减,天然湿地最大斑块面积指数下降,破碎化程度加剧;人工湿地分布面积扩大,斑块数下降,聚合度增大,且最大斑块面积指数的增大趋势明显.研究期间,人类活动对湿地影响的加大以及河堤的修筑和围海养殖面积的增加是大洋河河口湿地面积减少的主要原因,也是该地区湿地功能退化的主要原因之一.制定科学合理的长期发展规划、建立湿地自然保护区、保护河道、制定严格的围海养殖用地监管制度和大力发展资源型旅游产业是河口湿地保护的主要措施.  相似文献   

为了量化人类活动对盐城滨海湿地景观格局的影响,论文以盐城滨海湿地黄沙港东北侧至四卯酉河口岸段向南延伸4 km的区域为研究对象,基于景观格局指数、人为干扰指数和GIS等方法,利用1984—2020年的6期遥感影像数据,探讨了湿地景观格局和人为干扰度的动态变化及响应。结果表明:研究期间,研究区的自然景观面积总体上呈减少趋势,人工景观持续增长,不断向海推进,并逐渐取代自然景观成为研究区的主导景观;景观破碎化程度加剧,景观形状趋于规则,各斑块连接性减弱,景观多样性降低,但2013年后破碎化程度有减轻趋势;研究区人为干扰度在1984—2006年呈上升趋势,2006—2013年变化趋于平稳,2013年后干扰程度有所减轻;干扰重心由陆向海逐渐迁移,干扰贡献景观类型从耕地转为水产养殖塘。相对于研究区北部,南部区域的人为干扰度变化跳跃性大,中部核心区人为干扰则较为平稳;人类活动的干扰对研究区景观格局影响剧烈,不同程度的人类干扰对景观格局的影响程度也不同,且人为干扰过程与自然演替之间存在一定的对立性。研究表明,将研究区多年景观动态变化与人为干扰度相结合,可以很好地把握景观变化与人类干扰之间的关系,为盐城滨海湿地的管理、保护及海岸带生态环境可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

为了量化人类活动对盐城滨海湿地景观格局的影响,论文以盐城滨海湿地黄沙港东北侧至四卯酉河口岸段向南延伸4 km的区域为研究对象,基于景观格局指数、人为干扰指数和GIS等方法,利用1984—2020年的6期遥感影像数据,探讨了湿地景观格局和人为干扰度的动态变化及响应。结果表明:研究期间,研究区的自然景观面积总体上呈减少趋势,人工景观持续增长,不断向海推进,并逐渐取代自然景观成为研究区的主导景观;景观破碎化程度加剧,景观形状趋于规则,各斑块连接性减弱,景观多样性降低,但2013年后破碎化程度有减轻趋势;研究区人为干扰度在1984—2006年呈上升趋势,2006—2013年变化趋于平稳,2013年后干扰程度有所减轻;干扰重心由陆向海逐渐迁移,干扰贡献景观类型从耕地转为水产养殖塘。相对于研究区北部,南部区域的人为干扰度变化跳跃性大,中部核心区人为干扰则较为平稳;人类活动的干扰对研究区景观格局影响剧烈,不同程度的人类干扰对景观格局的影响程度也不同,且人为干扰过程与自然演替之间存在一定的对立性。研究表明,将研究区多年景观动态变化与人为干扰度相结合,可以很好地把握景观变化与人类干扰之间的关系,为盐城滨海湿地的管理、保护及海岸带生态环境可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

上海市湿地景观格局时空演变与驱动机制的量化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易阿岚  王钧 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2622-2631
基于1980-2018年上海市历史遥感数据,定量研究上海市湿地景观格局变化及其驱动机制。为此,采用Fragstats 4.2.1计算了景观格局指数,并在数据处理系统软件平台使用灰色关联系统分析了湿地景观格局与社会、经济以及自然环境之间的灰色关联度。结果表明:(1)自1980以来,上海市湿地面积持续缩减,尤其水田损失最多。截至到2018年,上海市共损失了21.06×104hm2的湿地,现存湿地面积为38.22×104hm2,其中人工湿地占85%,自然湿地占15%。人工湿地以水田为主,自然湿地以河流湿地为主。水田和河流斑块平均面积总体上呈波动缩小趋势。河流湿地的形状复杂性最高,其总面积在年际间缓慢缩减,平均分形维度指数年际间波动持平。水田平均分形维度指数年际间波动上升,景观形状向复杂化趋势发展。(2)1980-2010年间,湿地景观破碎化程度总体加剧,最大斑块指数呈波动下降趋势。2010年后,景观破碎化局势向好,最大斑块面积扩大。1980-2015年间,蔓延度指数呈波动下降趋势,香农多样性指数呈波动上升趋势。2015年是蔓延度指数和香农多样性指数变化的转折点。水库坑塘斑块形状较简单,年际间变化小,而且具有结构的自相似性。(3)湿地景观格局受自然、人为双重因素影响。城市扩张导致人工湿地面积减少。自然湿地的演变则主要受气温和降雨的影响。自然因素往往在较大的时空尺度上控制着湿地的景观格局变化。但随着经济的迅速发展,在较短的时间尺度上,国家政策等人为因素对景观格局的影响力逐渐增强。未来,国家对城市湿地保护政策的实施可以使湿地景观格局向好的方向演化。  相似文献   

以新疆艾比湖湿地为研究区,利用1972、1998、2007年及2013年4个时期的Landsat遥感影像作为数据源,并结合湿地的土地覆被状况,参考《全国土地利用分类》建立艾比湖湿地生态干扰类型分类系统。借助生态干扰度指数、景观格局指数以及GIS空间分析方法,探讨艾比湖湿地的生态干扰度的时空动态及景观响应机制。结果表明:(1)1972—2013年,研究区的生态干扰度总体呈现较为稳定的趋势,但其空间分布发生变化。生态干扰度类型之间的转化速率有加快的趋势。(2)1972—2013年,边缘密度指数(ED),平均形状指数(MSI),面积加权的平均斑块分形指数(AWMPFD)及景观分离度(DIVISION)4项景观格局指数大体呈上升的趋势,2013年区域的景观指数较为稳定。(3)景观格局指数与生态干扰程度有密切的一致性。生态干扰度与景观格局指数空间分布相关性大小依次为:边缘密度指数(ED)景观丰度密度(PRD)香农多样性指数(SHDI)平均形状指数(MSI)面积加权的平均斑块分形指数(AWMPFD)景观分离度(DIVISION)。客观系统的认识和评价艾比湖湿地的生态系统及环境,可为干旱区实现自然环境的保护,协调土地利用及环境保护之间的关系提供较为实用的参考。  相似文献   

张莹  雷国平  林佳  张慧 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1250-1256
景观格局变化下的区域生态风险研究可以为保护区域景观生态系统健康,实现区域资源的合理和可持续利用提供重要科学依据。以扎龙自然保护区为研究区,利用遥感手段提取景观类型信息,定量分析不同空间尺度下研究区景观格局时空变化特征和演变规律。根据研究区景观格局变化特点构建景观生态风险指数,对研究区不同时期空间尺度变化过程中景观生态风险时空变化特征进行分析。研究表明:1995—2010年研究区不同空间尺度下景观总体格局和各景观类型格局变化显著,呈现不同变化特征;景观生态风险随空间粒度的增大而减小。对比分析两期数据,研究区景观生态风险加剧,其空间分布均呈环形扩散特征。根据本研究区区域面积大小和景观格局复杂程度,确定了景观格局和景观生态风险研究的适宜尺度域。  相似文献   

黑河中游湿地景观破碎化过程及其驱动力分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
赵锐锋  姜朋辉  赵海莉  樊洁平 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4436-4449
在遥感和GIS技术支持下,基于1975-2010年长时间序列遥感影像,选取斑块密度指数(PD)、景观内部生境面积指数(IA)、斑块平均面积指数(MPS)、斑块形状破碎化指数(FS1、FS2)等具有典型生态意义的景观指数模型,系统分析了黑河中游湿地景观的破碎化过程,并结合灰色关联分析、主成分分析等方法,探讨了影响研究区湿地景观破碎化过程的各驱动因子.结果表明:近35年来,研究区湿地景观破碎化主要表现为斑块平均面积的萎缩,斑块密度的上升以及斑块形状破碎化指数的增大.整个研究时段内,研究区湿地斑块平均面积减少了48.95hm2,斑块密度的上升0.006个/hm2;导致黑河中游湿地景观破碎化发生和发展的驱动力包含自然和人文两个方面.自然因子对湿地景观破碎化进程的影响则主要体现在气温和降水上,而且气温对湿地景观破碎化进程的影响程度明显大于降水.但在1975-2010年间的这一较小时间尺度上,人类活动对湿地景观破碎化的贡献率明显高于自然因子,人类活动能力的增强以及影响范围的不断扩大是引发黑河中游湿地景观破碎化的主因.  相似文献   

三江平原东北部湿地生态安全格局设计   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
刘吉平  吕宪国  杨青  王海霞 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1083-1090
以三江平原东北部为研究区域,采用"3S"技术和数学模型,根据景观尺度上生物多样性保护规划的景观生态安全格局方法,对三江平原湿地生物多样性保护进行规划设计.利用GAP分析方法预测湿地鸟类丰富度,并评价和计算了湿地鸟类干扰度,在此基础上构建物种运动阻力模型,并利用此模型计算物种运动阻力指数,建立物种运动等阻力面,在阻力面上识别战略点、辐射道和源间联接等景观组分.为了保护本区的湿地生物多样性,提出扩大保护区的面积、建立保护区与热点之间的廊道和设立微型保护地块的规划措施.提出的湿地鸟类多样性保护的景观生态安全格局技术与方法,不但为三江平原湿地及其生物多样性的保护和管理提供科学依据,而且丰富和发展了我国生物多样性保护的理论与方法.  相似文献   

为加强苏南经济快速发展地区的生态系统管理,防范与降低区域生态风险,以镇江市丹徒区为例,以2000、2005年ETM和2010年TM遥感数据为基础,基于景观指数构造评价区域生态风险的量化指标,利用地统计学方法,分析景观生态风险时空变化特征.结果表明:2000—2010年,研究区林地、湿地、水域等自然景观类型破碎化程度加深、分散程度增大,生态损失度呈上升趋势,建设用地不断扩张.2000、2005和2010年,较高以上程度生态风险面积分别占全区总面积的5.7%、9.0%和10.2%,主要分布在平原圩区和丘陵地带.研究期间,生态风险程度由低级别向高级别转换的面积为296.2 km2,占全区总面积的48.0%,生态风险程度仅在局部小范围内有所下降,整体呈上升趋势.区域经济快速发展对景观格局干扰程度加深,生态风险分布空间差异明显.利用临港资源、开发天然湿地、建设工业园区和快速城市化等措施,导致研究区生态风险程度加深、转换速率加快,应及时制定生态风险管理策略.  相似文献   

以2000、2005和2010年的遥感数据为基础,对泰安市岱岳区土地利用类型和景观格局变化进行分析,构建生态风险指数,对研究区域的生态风险指数进行重采样和空间差值,并分析了城乡结合部区域生态风险的时空变化规律.结果表明:2000—2010年,研究区土地利用类型的主要转移方向是自然景观向人工景观转移;耕地、园地、林地的人为干扰强度较大,水域的人为干扰较小;耕地和水域的生态损失度指数有所下降,其他土地利用类型基本上呈上升趋势;2000和2010年,研究区各生态风险小区的生态风险值分布较分散,2005年最集中,2000—2005年,各生态风险小区的生态风险值以增加为主,2005—2010年则以降低为主;2000—2010年,研究区生态风险指数等级以中等程度为主,生态风险指数在空间分布上表现出明显的空间差异,大体上以林地为中心向周围区域呈扩散状递增;研究区域风险等级以中风险区和较高风险区为主,较低风险区面积动态变化明显,最低风险区和最高风险区的面积变化不大.  相似文献   

The preparation of hair for the determination of elements is a critical component of the analysis procedure. Open-beaker, closedvessel microwave, and flowthrough microwave digestion are methods that have been used for sample preparation and are discussed. A new digestion method for use with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been developed. The method uses 0.2 g of hair and 3 mL of concentrated nitric acid in an atmospheric pressurelow-temperature microwave digestion (APLTMD) system. This preparation method is useful in handling a large numbers of samples per day and may be adapted to hair sample weights ranging from 0.08 to 0.3 g. After digestion, samples are analyzed by ICP-MS to determine the concentration of Li, Be, B, Na, Mg, Al, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Zr, Mo, Pd, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, I, Cs, Ba, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th, and U. Benefits of the APLTMD include reduced contamination and sample handling, and increased precision, reliability, and sample throughput.  相似文献   

杨超  佐佐木均 《昆虫学报》2019,62(10):1212-1227
【目的】利用日本北海道虻类评估和验证外生殖器在分类学上的意义。【方法】将虻类成虫标本浸渍在生理盐水中并置于双目显微镜下通过针和镊子在培养皿中进行解剖并绘图,观察第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器的形态特征。【结果】在日本北海道共记录了虻科(Tabanidae) 3亚科7属38种。我们观察并描述了3亚科其中的6属24种的雌性外生殖器的主要特征。亚科之间存在明显差异;然而在一般情况下属之间很难建立一种方法来确定共同点;种之间只有在斑虻属Chrysops中有相似之处,其他属中则比较多样化。因此,亚科鉴定根据第9背板、第8腹板及受精囊足以进行区分,属及种鉴定需要结合第9背板、第10背板、尾叶、第8腹板、受精囊、受精囊管及生殖叉器各自的特征组合在一起才能区分开来。我们也制作了虻类外生殖器的检索表。【结论】和许多其他昆虫一样,外生殖器是虻科的重要分类特征,对于促进分类学和系统学的发展具有重要意义。本研究首次对分布在日本北海道的虻科雌性外生殖器进行了系统研究。  相似文献   



Sedges (Cyperaceae) form an important ecological component of many ecosystems around the world. Sword and rapier sedges (genus Lepidosperma) are common and widespread components of the southern Australian and New Zealand floras, also occurring in New Caledonia, West Papua, Borneo, Malaysia and southern China. Sedge ecology is seldom studied and no comprehensive review of sedge ecology exists. Lepidosperma is unusual in the Cyperaceae with the majority of species occurring in dryland habitats.


Extensive review of ecological literature and field observations shows Lepidosperma species to be important components of many ecosystems, often dominating understorey and sedge-rich communities. For the first time, a detailed ecological review of a Cyperaceae genus is presented.

Conclusions Lepidosperma

species are long-lived perennials with significant abundance and persistence in the landscape. Speciation patterns in the genus are of considerable interest due to complex biogeographical patterns and a high degree of habitat specificity. Potential benefits exist for medicinal products identified from several Lepidosperma species. Over 178 organisms, including 26 mammals, 42 birds, six reptiles, five amphibians, eight arachnids, 75 insects, three crustaceans and 13 fungi, are found to be dependent on, or making use of, Lepidosperma species. A significant relationship exists between Lepidosperma species and the moth genus Elachista. Implications for the conservation and ecology of both sedges and associated species are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemostats are continuous culture systems in which cells are grown in a tightly controlled, chemically constant environment where culture density is constrained by limiting specific nutrients.1,2 Data from chemostats are highly reproducible for the measurement of quantitative phenotypes as they provide a constant growth rate and environment at steady state. For these reasons, chemostats have become useful tools for fine-scale characterization of physiology through analysis of gene expression3-6 and other characteristics of cultures at steady-state equilibrium.7 Long-term experiments in chemostats can highlight specific trajectories that microbial populations adopt during adaptive evolution in a controlled environment. In fact, chemostats have been used for experimental evolution since their invention.8 A common result in evolution experiments is for each biological replicate to acquire a unique repertoire of mutations.9-13 This diversity suggests that there is much left to be discovered by performing evolution experiments with far greater throughput. We present here the design and operation of a relatively simple, low cost array of miniature chemostats—or ministats—and validate their use in determination of physiology and in evolution experiments with yeast. This approach entails growth of tens of chemostats run off a single multiplexed peristaltic pump. The cultures are maintained at a 20 ml working volume, which is practical for a variety of applications. It is our hope that increasing throughput, decreasing expense, and providing detailed building and operation instructions may also motivate research and industrial application of this design as a general platform for functionally characterizing large numbers of strains, species, and growth parameters, as well as genetic or drug libraries.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant cyanogenesis is the release of toxic cyanide from endogenous cyanide-containing compounds, typically cyanogenic glycosides. Despite a large body of phytochemical, taxonomic and ecological work on cyanogenic species, little is known of their frequency in natural plant communities. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of cyanogenesis in Australian tropical rainforests. Secondary aims were to quantify the cyanogenic glycoside content of tissues, to investigate intra-plant and intra-population variation in cyanogenic glycoside concentration and to appraise the potential chemotaxonomic significance of any findings in relation to the distribution of cyanogenesis in related taxa. METHODS: All species in six 200 m(2) plots at each of five sites across lowland, upland and highland tropical rainforest were screened for cyanogenesis using Feigl-Anger indicator papers. The concentrations of cyanogenic glycosides were accurately determined for all cyanogenic individuals. KEY RESULTS: Over 400 species from 87 plant families were screened. Overall, 18 species (4.5 %) were cyanogenic, accounting for 7.3 % of total stem basal area. Cyanogenesis has not previously been reported for 17 of the 18 species, 13 of which are endemic to Australia. Several species belong to plant families or orders in which cyanogenesis has been little reported, if at all (e.g. Elaeocarpaceae, Myrsinaceae, Araliaceae and Lamiaceae). A number of species contained concentrations of cyanogenic glycosides among the highest ever reported for mature leaves-up to 5.2 mg CN g(-1) d. wt, for example, in leaves of Elaeocarpus sericopetalus. There was significant variation in cyanogenic glycoside concentration within individuals; young leaves and reproductive tissues typically had higher cyanogen content. In addition, there was substantial variation in cyanogenic glycoside content within populations of single species. CONCLUSIONS: This study expands the limited knowledge of the frequency of cyanogenesis in natural plant communities, includes novel reports of cyanogenesis among a range of taxa and characterizes patterns in intra-plant and intra-population variation of cyanogensis.  相似文献   

 A data matrix of 143 morphological and chemical characters for 142 genera of euasterids according to the APG system was compiled and complemented with rbcL and ndhF sequences for most of the genera. The data were subjected to parsimony analysis and support was assessed by bootstrapping. Strict consensus trees from analyses of morphology alone and morphology + rbcL + ndhF are presented. The morphological data recover several groups supported by molecular data but at the level of orders and above relationships are only superficially in agreement with molecular studies. The analyses provide support for monophyly of Gentianales, Aquifoliales, Apiales, Asterales, and Dipsacales. All data indicate that Adoxaceae are closely related to Dipsacales and hence they should be included in that order. The trees were used to assess some possible morphological synapomorphies for euasterids I and II and for the orders of the APG system. Euasterids I are generally characterised by opposite leaves, entire leaf margins, hypogynous flowers, “early sympetaly” with a ring-shaped corolla primordium, fusion of stamen filaments with the corolla tube, and capsular fruits. Euasterids II often have alternate leaves, serrate-dentate leaf margins, epigynous flowers, “late sympetaly” with distinct petal primordia, free stamen filaments, and indehiscent fruits. It is unclear which of these characters represent synapomorphies and symplesiomorphies for the two groups, respectively, and there are numerous expections to be interpreted as reversals and parallelisms. Received August 28, 2000 Accepted August 7, 2001  相似文献   

The northeast region of India is one of the world's most significant biodiversity hotspots. One of the richest bird areas in India, it is an important route for migratory birds and home to many endemic bird species. This paper describes a literature-based dataset of species occurrences of birds of northeast India. The occurrence records documented in the dataset are distributed across eleven states of India, viz.: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. The geospatial scope of the dataset represents 24 to 29 degree North latitude and 78 to 94 degree East longitude, and it comprises over 2400 occurrence records. These records have been collated from scholarly literature published between1915 and 2008, especially from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society (JBNHS). The temporal scale of the dataset represents bird observations recorded between 1909 and 2007. The dataset has been developed by employing MS Excel. The key elements in the database are scientific name, taxonomic classification, temporal and geospatial details including geo-coordinate precision, data collector, basis of record and primary source of the data record. The temporal and geospatial quality of more than 50% of the data records has been enhanced retrospectively. Where possible, data records are annotated with geospatial coordinate precision to the nearest minute. This dataset is being constantly updated with the addition of new data records, and quality enhancement of documented occurrences. The dataset can be used in species distribution and niche modeling studies. It is planned to expand the scope of the dataset to collate bird species occurrences across the Indian peninsula.  相似文献   

目前,白血病复发是患者死亡的主要原因之一。肿瘤细胞和微环境的相互作用,以及隐匿在骨髓中的肿瘤干细胞,促进了白血病的复发和向淋巴组织的转移,因此白血病的治疗、转移和复发问题受到广泛关注。外泌体是由绝大多数细胞分泌的双层脂质膜囊泡,可以调控细胞间的交流和信息传递。在白血病细胞、基质细胞和内皮细胞之间的相互联系中都涉及到外泌体,白血病细胞来源的外泌体存在于白血病患者的血浆中,能把其携带的白血病相关抗原及微小RNA呈递给靶细胞,促进白血病肿瘤细胞的增殖,有助于肿瘤细胞实现免疫逃避,保护白血病细胞抵抗化疗药物导致的细胞毒性作用,促进血管生成及肿瘤细胞的迁移。因此,外泌体与白血病的转移、治疗及预后密切相关,可以用来检测和监测白血病的进展。本文综述了外泌体的来源、形成与分泌机制,以及外泌体在白血病发生前、发展中、预后和免疫治疗中所扮演的重要角色。  相似文献   

Fine structure of developing sperm of the monospecific genus, Ekphymatodera, was compared with other Heteroderinae as part of a study to recognize diversity and phylogenetically informative characters within the subfamily. Sperm of Ekphymatodera originate from germ cells connected to a central rachis, a character which is shared with Globodera, but not with other Heteoderinae. In Ekphymatodera, and cyst-forming genera, a layer of cortical microtubules lies just beneath the surface of the plasma membrane. Sperm of Ekphymatodera are unique among Heteroderinae examined by the presence of spiral surface elevations on the filopodia, a character that may prove to be a synapomorphy for Sarisoderini. Fibrous bodies are abundant in spermatids; however, they do not persist in sperm of Ekphymatodera as they do in Meloidodera and Verutus. The male gonad of Ekphymatodera is lined by epithelial cells, which are greatly enlarged near the ejaculatory canal. These enlarged cells contain vesicles with concentric lamellar inclusions, not observed in other genera of the subfamily. Sperm of Heteroderinae are rich in diversity, and examination of additional representative species may indicate new phylogenetically informative characters.  相似文献   

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