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试图根据成虫形态学证据探讨长足虻科各亚科之间的系统关系,同时检验各个亚科的单系性.在比较形态学研究基础上,同时参考前人有关长足虻科高阶元分类的研究结果,筛选出42个来自头部、胸部(包括足和翅)、腹部、雌性和雄性外生殖器在亚科水平的分类特征,为了考察亚科的单系性,也包括亚科的自有衍征;运用支序分类的方法,首次分析并讨论了世界长足虻科17个亚科之间的系统发育关系.结果表明,长足虻科是一个严格的单系群,其支持的共同衍征为体色金绿,亚前缘脉端部与第1径脉中部愈合,前缘脉接近肩横脉处有1个缺刻,第2基室与盘室愈合,臀室短小、终止于径脉分叉点之前,雄性外生殖器明显向下或向前弯折,生殖背板具生殖孔,下生殖板与第9背板愈合.金长足虻亚科Sciapodinae腋瓣发达,中脉分叉,为最基部的支系,是最原始的亚科;而长足虻科的其他亚科构成一单系群,其共同衍征为腋瓣不明显,中脉不分叉.斜脉长足虻亚科Plagioneurinae也比较原始,是靠基部的支系,支持其单系性的特征为腹部第7~8节膜质化,生殖孔基位.异长足虻亚科Diaphorinae和锥长足虻亚科Rhaphiinae以及斯长足虻亚科Stolidosomatinae和合长足虻亚科Sympycninae分别构成姊妹群关系,斯长足虻亚科Stolidosomatinae的两个属Pseudosympycnus和Stolidosoma系统地位还有待进一步研究.此外,巴长足虻亚科Babindellinae、聚脉长足虻亚科Medeterinae和寇长足虻亚科Kowmunginae构成单系群,其共同衍征为臀脉短或不明显,无后顶鬃.研究所用标本大部分保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆,包括与美国史密森研究院和澳大利亚博物馆交换而来的标本,部分标本保存在比利时皇家科学院.  相似文献   

应用亚生殖板细微结构的鉴别方法,研究了虻科20种雌性成虫雌性尾器的亚生殖板。结果表明:虻科雌性成虫不同种其尾器亚生殖板整体大小,颜色,有无骨化现象、骨化部位及骨化程度,端缘、基缘凹陷深浅及宽窄,侧突位置、大小,基角大小及形状,毛和鬃的有无、着生位置及多少,皱褶的有无及位置等特征均有变化。虻科成虫雌性尾器亚生殖板的细微结构有种间鉴别的特异性。  相似文献   

中国鞍腹水虻亚科二新纪录属种记述(双翅目,水虻科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报告了水虻科Stratiomyidae鞍腹水虻亚科Clitellarinae中国2新纪录属及种,即毛面水虻属Campeprosopa Macquart及长刺毛面水虻Campeprosopa longispina(Brunetti),和优多水虻属Eudmeta Wiedmann及王冠优多水虻Eudmetadia dematipennis Brunetti,其中王冠优多水虻的雄性描述系首次报道。并补充描述了王冠优多水虻Eudmeta diadematipennis形态特征及雄性外生殖器图。研究标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

中国虻属种类检索表(双翅目:虻科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虻科昆虫是重要吸血害虫,全世界约4230种,我国已知虻类达400多种。我国虻科共记载10个属,其中虻属Tabanus、斑虻属Chrysops、麻虻属Haematopota和瘤虻属Hybomitra的种类最多,占我国己知种的百分之九十以上。在以上4个属中,尤以虻属的种类最多,近200种。虻属的种类体态特征变异最大,在分类鉴定上有很大的困难。国外有的专家如Olsufjev、Ta-  相似文献   

三种蚤生殖系统的细微结构:雌性外生殖器的发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
漆一鸣 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):182-188
本文研究了缓慢细蚤 Leptopsylla segnis(Schōnherr),不等单蚤 Monopsyllus anisus(Rothschild)和猫栉首蚤指名亚种Ctenocephalides felis felis(Bouché)雌性外生殖器的结构,观察了从幼虫、前蛹、蛹至成虫各发育时期的雌性外生殖器的内部结构变化.对一直悬而未决的雌蚤中输卵管等的起源问题,进行了详细的观察和探讨.认为从晚期3龄幼虫开始出现的雌性外生殖器芽,在前蛹期成为四个部分:1.第7腹板后缘腹壁内陷形成的一对外胚层囊;2.紧接外胚层囊后并延伸至第8腹板的外胚层增厚;3.在第8腹板后部,外胚层增厚两侧的产卵器芽;4.第8腹板后缘腹壁内陷形成的受精囊芽.并认为,这三种蚤的中输卵管由一对外胚层囊和其后的外胚层增厚前端的一小部分内陷形成,阴道由外胚层增厚的大部分和第8、9腹板腹壁内陷形成,受精囊由受精囊芽内陷形成.  相似文献   

双翅目虻科(Tabanidae)斑虻亚科(Chrysopina)的林虻属Silvius Meigen 1820种类很少,我国只有浙江的心瘤林蛙S.cordicallus Chen et Quo一种,系陈世骧与郭郛1949根据上海震旦博物馆郑碧尔(O.Piel)1936年7月22日采自天目山的1所记述的新种,用英文发表在《中国动物学杂志》3:8-9,图3。许荣满1982在《中国重要虻类的鉴别》中纳入名录及检索表,并引用了陈氏原图;王遵明1983的《中国经济昆虫志——虻科》一书中记述了此种称为心额森林虻,重绘了头部、颚须及触角特征图,并有全形彩图;至此,分布仍仅浙江(天目山)。  相似文献   

刘维德 《昆虫学报》1959,(4):388-392
一、序言 黄虻亚属(Subgenus Ochrops Szil.)隶属双翅目的虻科虻属(Tabanus,Tabanidae),主要分布于旧北区,已知约30余种,本亚属虻类具有以下几个特征;1.体色黄绿、灰黑或近金黄色;2.复眼中部有一条显著而细窄的黑带;3.额板(Callus)一般不大,中额板(middle callus)与之远离,额板和中额板的轮廓常不固定;4.触角各节都呈黄色;5.盾片无纹饰;6.r_4脉皆有坿枝。本亚属的虻类中有几种  相似文献   

粘虫(Pseudaletia separata(Walker))生殖系统的解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何继龙 《昆虫学报》1963,(3):282-291
本文内容是研究粘虫(Pseudaletia separata(Walker)生殖系统的形态构造。全文分为雄性内部生殖器、雄性外部生殖器、雌性内部生殖器及雌性外部生殖器四部分。 粘虫的雄性内生殖器中, 有睾丸一对, 左右并列, 呈扁椭圆形, 外被紫红色睾丸膜; 输精管一对, 基部膨大成二对贮精囊; 射精管分成复射精管及单射精管两部分。雄性外生殖器的构造极为复杂, 第9腹节的背、腹板分别形成马鞍状的背兜及基腹弧; 第10腹节仅有其附肢特化成钩形突、颚形突和背兜侧突等; 抱握器占雄性外生殖器中的大部分, 其顶上角具长约1毫米的端刺一枚, 此为本种特征之一, 可以此与近似种区别; 阳茎由基部球状的阳茎囊和端部柄状的阳茎端组成, 内具内阳茎及角状器:雄性外生殖器中有关器官的肌肉来源亦作了叙述。 精液是以贮存于精球的方式授入雌体, 精球分为精球体、精球柄及系带三部分。 雌性内生殖器中, 卵巢为多滋式, 一对, 各由四个卵巢管组成, 两组卵巢管再与一对侧输卵管相连, 后者通入中输卵管中, 中输卵管后端连有外生殖腔, 其外方的开口是为产卵孔; 受精囊为长形梨状物, 分成主囊及副囊两部分, 两者在顶部愈合, 并由此发出受精管与外生殖腔相通, 在主囊顶端有受精囊腺; 附腺一对, 与附腺囊相连, 后者通入附腺主囊, 并由此开口入外生殖腔。雌性外生殖器是由交配囊和产卵器组成, 前者复可分成囊导管、囊体及囊颈三部分, 其外方的开口为交配囊孔, 有导精管从囊颈连于外生殖腔; 产卵器由第8、9腹节组成, 非呈特殊构造。  相似文献   

描述并比较了中国椎天牛亚科4族7属的雄性外生殖器结构特点。结果表明:椎天牛亚科内有18个雄性外生殖器结构特征存在差异,其中阳基侧突的形状、阳基侧突的长宽比,腹部第8节背板的形状等5个特征在椎天牛亚科内族级水平具有重要分类学意义;阳基侧突占阳茎的比例,腹部第8节背板的被毛情况等6个特征在幽天牛族内属级水平具有重要分类学意义;同时阳基侧突的长宽比,腹部第8节背板的被毛情况可用于塞幽天牛属中近似种的区分。基于雄性外生殖器的结构,编制了椎天牛亚科分族及幽天牛族分属的检索表。  相似文献   

许升全  郑哲民 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):700-704
从20世纪60年代至今的一些研究已基本肯定了蝗虫雌性下生殖板的分类价值。本文选择了中国剑角蝗科6属10种蝗虫对其雌性下生殖板进行了形态学和演化分析。结果表明雌性下生殖板的形态在研究的6属内都是稳定的,属间差异明显。这6个属的系统发育关系为:(卡蝗属((佛蝗属,戛蝗属),(菊蝗属(蝗属,剑角蝗属)))),这一结果和形态分类是一致的,支持长腹蝗亚科从剑角蝗科分开。文中还分析了剑角蝗科雌性下生殖板各性状的演化方向。  相似文献   

【目的】明确阿蚊Armigeres雌蚊尾器在分类鉴定中的价值。【方法】依据在云南长期采集的标本, 观察了我国阿蚊属Armigeres正式记录的16种雌蚊尾器构造, 对雌蚊尾器的形态进行了系统描述和分类研究。【结果】编制两个亚属和16种阿蚊的雌蚊尾器分类检索表。【结论】每一种雌蚊尾器与雄蚊尾器一样, 都具有种的固定的特征, 是种的重要分类依据。  相似文献   

The utility of the female genitalia and associated sclerites (tergite and sternite VIII) in the systematics of the Curculionidae is discussed. Examples from the tribe Entimini (Entiminae) and subtribe Hylobiina (Molytinae: Hylobiini) are given. The female characters prove to be informative for establishing the phylogenetic relationships among genera of Entimini. They are essential in determining species groups within the genus Arniticus Pascoe, Hylobiina.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to use some structures of the external genitalia in the taxonomy of termites. Twenty-five species of four largest families were examined. Only the female external genitalia appeared to be suitable for identification of species, with some genital structures (medisternite, basivalvae, parasternites, etc.) being most important for these purposes. The taxonomic suitability of these structures is different in different families. In the family Kalotermitidae, the medisternite and spermathecal opening are strongly sclerotized and suitable for the species identification, whereas the basivalvae are reduced or lost. In Hodotermitidae, the basivalvae are well-developed and their shape is different in different species. Structural features of the basivalvae and spermathecal opening are species-specific in Rhinotermitidae, the shape of the basivalvae and position of the spermathecal opening, in Termitidae. In addition, species of Termitidae have a characteristic strigation of the basivalvae. In Macrotermitinae and Nasutitermitinae, the anterior margins of sternite IX are well sclerotized and form parasternites. The structures proposed by us as diagnostic vary only within species.  相似文献   

Sperm and female reproductive tract morphology are among the most rapidly evolving characters known in insects. To investigate whether interspecific variation in these traits results from divergent coevolution we examined testis size, sperm length and female reproductive tract morphology for evidence of correlated evolution using 13 species of diopsid stalk-eyed flies. We found that sperm dimorphism (the simultaneous production of two size classes of sperm by individual males) is ancestral and occurs in four genera while sperm monomorphism evolved once and persists in one genus. The length of ''long-sperm'' types, though unrelated to male body or testis size, exhibits correlated evolution with two regions of the female reproductive tract, the spermathecae and ventral receptacle, where sperm are typically stored and used for fertilization, respectively. Two lines of evidence indicate that ''short sperm'', which are probably incapable of fertilization, coevolve with spermathecae. First, loss of sperm dimorphism coincides phylogenetically with reduction or loss of spermathecae. Second, evolutionary change in short-sperm length correlates with change in spermathecal size but not spermathecal duct length or ventral receptacle length. Morphological coevolution between sperm and female reproductive tracts is consistent with a history of female-mediated selection on sperm length.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new genus of the Tabanomorpha, Oreoleptis, gen.n. , assigned to the monotypic family Oreoleptidae, fam.n. , is described from the Rocky Mountains of North America. The male, female, larva and pupa of Oreoleptis torrenticola, sp.n. are described and illustrated. Adults were reared from larvae collected from torrential streams and rivers, and from pupae collected from riverbanks. No adults have been collected yet in the field. The larvae have two pairs of very long, ventrolateral, crocheted prolegs on abdominal segments 2–7, and a short, dorsal pair on segments 6–7. The larval head and mouthparts resemble those of athericids and tabanids. The mandibular hook has an internal canal, the basal mandibular sclerite is compressed with both condyles coming together and articulating on the tentorial phragma; the mandibular brush is located on a vertical rod; and the salivary pump is greatly enlarged. The adult male genitalia have aedeagal tines similar to athericids, tabanids and Bolbomyia Loew, the hypandrium is fused with the gonocoxites, the epandrium is subrectangular, lying flat on the gonocoxites, and tergite 10 is present (a mixture of advanced and primitive features). The endoaedeagal process is reduced (as in athericids), and the gonocoxal apodemes are long and slender, an advanced condition shared by athericids and tabanids. The female has a long, extrusible postabdomen and ovipositor, two-segmented cerci, and the basal cercal segment has a prominent posteroventral lobe, typical of rhagionids and pelecorhynchids. Cladistic analysis assigns the genus Oreoleptis to sister group status of the Athericidae + Tabanidae. However, wing venation, simple, unmodified female abdomen, undivided first tergite, and two-segmented female cercus, excludes this taxon from the Athericidae and Tabanidae. The relationships of the new family are discussed and the phylogeny of the higher Tabanomorpha reassessed.  相似文献   

刘佳宁  秦道正 《昆虫学报》1950,63(9):1125-1135
【目的】明确斑衣蜡蝉Lycorma delicatula雌成虫生殖系统整体形态及超微结构特征,为蜡蝉总科昆虫分类及系统发育探讨提供更多形态学证据。【方法】采用光学显微镜与透射电子显微镜,观察斑衣蜡蝉雌成虫生殖系统整体形态和各主要器官的超微结构。【结果】斑衣蜡蝉雌成虫生殖系统主要包括1对卵巢、1个中输卵管、1个交配囊、1个交配囊管、1个前阴道、1个后阴道、1个受精囊、1个受精管和2根受精囊附腺。卵巢为端滋式,由14根卵巢小管组成,卵室由固有膜、滤泡细胞和卵细胞组成,卵巢小管中的滋养细胞清晰可见;中输卵管位于前阴道基部,由中输卵管腔、上皮细胞、肌肉鞘和基膜组成;交配囊膨大呈圆球状,囊壁由上皮细胞、肌肉层和基膜组成;交配囊管呈圆柱状,连接交配囊和后阴道,由肌肉鞘、上皮细胞层和管腔组成;前、后阴道超微结构相似,主要由肌肉鞘、基膜、上皮细胞和管腔组成,但后阴道上皮细胞细胞核周围存在分泌颗粒,且管腔内有大量微绒毛,而前阴道壁内包含有大量囊泡结构;受精管从中输卵管末端延伸至受精囊,由基膜、厚层肌肉鞘和管腔组成;受精囊为受精管近末端略膨大的囊状结构,由肌肉鞘、基膜、上皮细胞和囊腔构成;雌性受精囊附腺着生于受精囊末端,为均匀的螺旋管状,主要由肌肉层、上皮细胞层和附腺中心管腔组成。【结论】斑衣蜡蝉雌性生殖系统与已报道的蜡蝉总科其他类群的雌性生殖系统结构相似,但卵巢小管数目有差异;蝉亚目中不同总科雌成虫雌性附腺与受精囊附腺的形态特征存在明显区别;斑衣蜡蝉雌性生殖系统超微结构与叶蝉总科和沫蝉总科昆虫也存在部分差异。这些差异是否可以作为头喙亚目高级阶元的划分依据仍有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

The female genital structures of the entelegyne spider Latrodectus revivensis are described using semithin sections and scanning electron microscopy. Apart from the tactile hairs overhanging the opening of the atrium, the contact zones of the female epigynum are devoid of any sensilla, indicating that the female does not discriminate in favor or against males due to their genital size or stimulation through copulatory courtship. The dumb-bell shape and the spatial separation of the entrance and the exit of the paired spermathecae suggest that they are functionally of the conduit type. Not described for other entelegyne spiders so far, the small fertilization ducts originating from the spermathecae of each side lead to a common fertilization duct that connects the spermathecae to the uterus externus. During oviposition, it is most likely that spermatozoa are indiscriminately sucked out of the spermathecal lumina by the low pressure produced by the contraction of the muscle extending from the epigynal plate to the common fertilization duct. As no greater amounts of secretion are produced by the female during oviposition, and no activated sperm are present within the female genital tract, the secretion produced by the spermathecal epithelium does not serve in displacement or (selective) activation of spermatozoa. These findings suggest that female L. revivensis are not able to exert cryptic female choice by selectively choosing spermatozoa of certain males.  相似文献   

记述了柄天牛属8个种(亚种)的雌性生殖器,比较研究了该属雌性生殖器的结构特点.结果表明:柄天牛属雌性生殖器在骨杆形状、受精囊管长短等方面存在不同程度的差异;通过雌性生殖器特征对比,黄颈柄天牛、暗胸柄天牛、红腹柄天牛三者虽然存在一定差异,是否应作为同一种依据不足,故仍保留亚种地位.  相似文献   

The criocerine leaf beetle Lema coronata Baly has extremely long genitalia that reach more than twice the body length in both sexes. We observed mating behavior of this species in the laboratory and inspected the male genital morphology using a scanning electron microscope. The males did not perform pre-copulatory courtship and post-copulatory guarding of the mates, and copulation lasted only for about 30 min. The surface of male genitalia is smooth without any special structures at the tip. A fragment of broken male genitalia was detected in the spermathecal duct of one female. We discuss the adaptive significance of male genital damage and the selective factor of elongated genitalia.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Microdocnemis xerophilicus gen. et sp. n. of the tenebrionid-beetle tribe Helopini is described from southwestern Turkey. The new genus belongs to the cylindrinotoid group of genera and is closely related to the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 in the structure of the male genitalia and female genital tubes and in the denticulation of the inner margin of the fore tibia. Microdocnemis differs from Odocnemis in the following characters: body very weakly flattened dorsally and ventrally; apical part of elytra, body ventrally, and epipleura with hairs; anal sternite with double bordering; apical margins of tibiae with short thick spines. The only species of the new genus inhabits xerophytic stony biotopes and has been found under stones; the species of the genus Odocnemis live on tree trunks covered with lichens.  相似文献   

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