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Effects of mesozooplankton removal and ammonium addition on planktonic trophic structure during a bloom of the Texas 'brown tide': a mesocosm study
Authors:Buskey, Edward J.   Deyoe, Hudson   Jochem, Frank J.   Villareal, Tracy A.
Affiliation:Marine Science Institute, the University of Texas at Austin, 750 Channel View Drive, Port Aransas, TX 78373 and 1 Department of Biology, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX 78539, USA
Abstract:A bloom of the alga Aureoumbra lagunensis, known as the Texas‘brown tide’, persisted in the Laguna Madre of Texasfor most of the 1990s. The dominant mesozooplankter in LagunaMadre, Acartia tonsa, does not feed on A. lagunensis, and duringblooms there are few other suitably sized phytoplankton cellsavailable to feed on. We hypothesized that these copepods increasedtheir feeding on microzooplankton, thereby reducing grazingpressure by microzooplankton on A. lagunensis and contributingto the persistence of this bloom. A mesocosm experiment wascarried out to test this hypothesis during the summer of 1999.Twelve fiberglass corral-type mesocosms were deployed in thefield for 16 days, each enclosing ~1.2 m3 of Laguna Madre waterand 1.1 m2 of natural benthos. Mesozooplankton were removedfrom six mesocosms with a 153 µm mesh dip net every 4days; the other six mesocosms were treated in the same way,except that the contents of the net were returned to the mesocosm.For each zooplankton treatment, half of the mesocosms were dosedwith ~40 µm NH4 at 4 day intervals, and half received noadditions. Phytoplankton populations in these mesocosms at thestart of the experiment were dominated by A. lagunensis andthe cyanobacterium Synechococcus spp. Growth rates of A. lagunensiswere higher in mesocosms without ammonium additions, providingno evidence for nitrogen limitation. Acartia tonsa populationswere reduced by ~50% in the zooplankton removal mesocosms, andciliate populations were significantly higher. The increasein ciliate population had no significant impact on A. lagunensispopulation dynamics, however, providing no evidence to supportthe hypothesis that a trophic cascade reducing microzooplanktonpopulations contributed to the persistence of the brown-tidebloom. In contrast, populations of Synechococcus sp. showedevidence of both ‘top–down’ and ‘bottom–up’control; they grew faster in nutrient addition mesocosms andhad lower populations in mesocosms with increased densitiesof ciliate grazers.
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