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Loss of Specific Chaperones Involved in Membrane Glycoprotein Biosynthesis during the Maturation of Human Erythroid Progenitor Cells
Authors:Sian T Patterson  Jing Li  Jeong-Ah Kang  Amittha Wickrema  David B Williams  and Reinhart A F Reithmeier
Institution:Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8, Canada and the §Section of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Abstract:The production of erythrocytes requires the massive synthesis of red cell-specific proteins including hemoglobin, cytoskeletal proteins, as well as membrane glycoproteins glycophorin A (GPA) and anion exchanger 1 (AE1). We found that during the terminal differentiation of human CD34+ erythroid progenitor cells in culture, key components of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein translocation (Sec61α), glycosylation (OST48), and protein folding machinery, chaperones BiP, calreticulin (CRT), and Hsp90 were maintained to allow efficient red cell glycoprotein biosynthesis. Unexpected was the loss of calnexin (CNX), an ER glycoprotein chaperone, and ERp57, a protein-disulfide isomerase, as well as a major decrease of the cytosolic chaperones, Hsc70 and Hsp70, components normally involved in membrane glycoprotein folding and quality control. AE1 can traffic to the cell surface in mouse embryonic fibroblasts completely deficient in CNX or CRT, whereas disruption of the CNX/CRT-glycoprotein interactions in human K562 cells using castanospermine did not affect the cell-surface levels of endogenous GPA or expressed AE1. These results demonstrate that CNX and ERp57 are not required for major glycoprotein biosynthesis during red cell development, in contrast to their role in glycoprotein folding and quality control in other cells.The production of red blood cells involves the terminal differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow followed by release into the peripheral blood (1, 2). Red blood cells remain in circulation for ~120 days and require the prior production of abundant red cell-specific proteins including hemoglobin, cytoskeletal proteins, and membrane glycoproteins such as anion exchanger 1 (AE1)3 and glycophorin A (GPA). During differentiation, erythroid progenitor cells undergo extensive remodeling of their cytoskeleton and loss of nuclei and other organelles like the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). AE1 and GPA are known to be synthesized late in differentiation when these key cellular components are lost (3). The efficient biosynthesis of these red cell membrane glycoproteins, however, is expected to require robust ER assembly machinery involving protein translocation, N-glycosylation, and protein folding chaperones.The proper folding of membrane glycoproteins engages the quality control function of cytosolic and ER chaperone proteins (4, 5). Newly synthesized proteins undergo cycles of binding and release with chaperones, minimizing aggregation and facilitating folding. Chaperones also play a role in the retention and degradation of misfolded proteins and in apoptosis (6-8). The membrane-bound ER chaperone calnexin (CNX) and its luminal paralog calreticulin (CRT) interact with folding intermediates via their lectin and protein binding domains, thereby preventing aggregation (9). A wide variety of glycoprotein substrates have been identified, with some binding to one or both chaperones, and both have been shown to be vital in the prevention of aggregation and proper maturation of membrane glycoproteins (9, 10). Disruption of interactions with CNX and CRT can allow misfolded membrane glycoproteins to escape the ER and traffic to the plasma membrane (9).In the present study, we examined the integrity of the ER protein translocation, N-glycosylation, and quality control machinery during the differentiation of human CD34+ erythroid cells in culture. We found that specific components of the protein quality control system were completely lost (CNX and ERp57) or diminished (Hsc70 and Hsp70) before the production of the major glycoproteins, AE1 and GPA, was completed. Components of the protein translocation (Sec61α) and N-glycosylation machinery (OST48) were, however, maintained. Chaperones that play other roles in erythrocyte maturation and survival (CRT, BiP, and Hsp90) were also retained (11). AE1 was found to traffic efficiently to the plasma membrane in mouse embryonic fibroblasts completely lacking the ER chaperone CNX or CRT. Furthermore, disruption of CNX/CRT-glycoprotein interactions in human K562 cells did not affect the cell-surface expression of GPA or AE1. These results demonstrate that CNX and ERp57 are not required for the efficient synthesis and folding of red cell membrane glycoproteins during terminal erythropoiesis. The lack of engagement with the quality control and disulfide folding machinery may allow the more rapid production of red cell glycoproteins late in differentiation, sacrificing quality for quantity.
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