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Effects of the loss of clonal integration on four sedges that differ in ramet aggregation
Authors:Pauliukonis  Nijole  Gough  Laura
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487-0206;(2) Department of Biology, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, 76019-0498;(3) Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-2400
Abstract:Although clonal growth is a dominant mode of plant growth in wetlands, the importance of clonal integration, resource sharing among ramets, to individual ramet generations (mother and daughter) and entire clones of coexisting species has not been well investigated. This study evaluated the significance of clonal integration in four sedge species of varying ramet aggregations, from clump-forming species (Clumpers –Carex sterilis, Eleocharis rostellata), with tightly aggregated ramets (rhizomes<1cm), to runner species (Runners –Schoenoplectus acutus, Cladium mariscoides), with loosely aggregated ramets. We manipulated clonal integration by either severing connections between target mother and daughter ramets or leaving connections intact, and then planted them in an intact neighborhood of a fen in Michigan, USA. We measured growth parameters of original and newly produced ramets over two growing seasons and conducted a final biomass harvest, to address four hypotheses. First, we expected integrated clones to accumulate more biomass than severed clones. However, final clone-level biomass and ramet production were the same for both treatments in all species although severing initially stimulated ramet production by Schoenoplectus and produced a more compact ramet aggregation in Cladium. Second, we hypothesized that mother ramets would experience a cost of integration, through reduced ramet or biomass production, while daughters would experience a benefit, through increased resource availability from mothers. Mother ramets of Cladium suffered a cost from integration, while Schoenoplectus mothers suffered a slight cost and Carex daughters saw a slight benefit. Finally, we hypothesized that integration would be more active in runner species than in clumper species. Indeed, we documented more active integration in runners than clumpers, but none of the study species were dependent upon integration for growth or survival once daughter ramets were established with their own roots and shoots. This study demonstrates that integration between established ramets may not be the most important advantage to clonal growth in this wetland field site. The loss of integration elicited varied responses among coexisting species in their natural habitat, somewhat but not completely related to their growth form, suggesting that a combination of plant life history traits contributes to the dependence upon clonal integration among established ramets of clonal species.
Keywords:Calcareous fens  Carex  Cladium  Eleocharis  Rhizome severing  Schoenoplectus
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