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Molecular markers for resistance to Heterodera glycines in advanced soybean germplasm
Authors:Heer  J.A.  Knap  H.T.  Mahalingam  R.  Shipe  E.R.  Arelli  P.R.  Matthews  B.F.
Affiliation:(1) Department of Agronomy, Clemson University, Box 340359, Poole Agriculture Center, Clemson, SC 29634, USA;(2) Department of Agronomy, University of Missouri-Columbia, 117 Curtis Hall, Columbia, MO 65211, USA;(3) USDA/ARS, Soybean and Alfalfa Research Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA
Abstract:Germplasm line J87-233 is resistant to soybean cyst nematode (SCN) races 1, 2, 3, 5 and moderately resistant to race 14 with resistance derived from 3 primitive sources, lsquoPekingrsquo, PI 88788 and PI 90763. F2:3 progeny of J87-233 and SCN-susceptible lsquoHutchesonrsquo cross were evaluated for response to SCN races 1, 2, 3, 5 and 14. Linkage groups (LG) A, B, F, G, J, M, N, S were tested with 215 genomic clones and 45 decamers for parental genotypes. QTL for race 1 and QTL for race 3 were detected on LG A2, the region of BLT65V and SCAR 548/5631100/1025,975. The cluster analysis of 12 soybean cultivars and 38 plant introductions confirmed association of SCAR1100/1025,975 with resistance to races 1 and 3, and suggested possible DNA rearrangements that might give rise to new resistance specificities in the region. The highly significant association of K69T marker with SCN race 1 resistance in conjunction with its location, 18.5 cM from the reported QTL, exemplifies the importance of the QTL locus on LG G and suggests expansion of the linkage map in the LG G-terminal region. Detected interaction between loci on LG A2 and LG G, and also with loci on LG F and LG M, may play a significant role in the genotype-specific response to SCN. Identification of two major regions on LG A2 and LG G for SCN resistance shows their applicability to advanced germplasm, however, transmission of molecular marker alleles indicates that applied markers are not yet reliable in revealing all possible recombination events in breeding for SCN resistance.
Keywords:advanced germplasm  markers  soybean cyst nematode
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