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Breeding orange-winged Amazon parrots in captivity
Authors:J R Millam  B Kenton  L Jochim  T Brownback  A T Brice
Abstract:Captive propagation of parrots for the companion bird trade provides a potential means of reducing the economic incentive to capture these birds from the wild. To test whether environmental and social manipulations might stimulate reproduction in captive, wild-caught orange-winged Amazon parrots (Amazona amazonica), we compared reproductive performance in pairs presented with nest boxes (controls) or nest boxes plus additional environmental and social manipulations (enriched group) consisting of misting, fruit supplementation, nest hole restriction, enlarged nest boxes, and pair separation/reunification. In the first breeding trial, in 1990, enriched pairs were more likely to lay eggs (six of seven enriched pairs vs. one of eight control pairs; P < 0.09). When treatments were reversed the following years (e.g., 1990 controls were exposed to enriched conditions in 1991), reproductive performance was not different between the groups (four of seven enriched pairs laid eggs vs. five of seven control pairs), although three pairs in the 1991 enriched group laid eggs which had not laid eggs before. These results are consistent with the idea that while enriched environments may enhance the probability of a first episode of egg laying in captivity, once pairs have laid eggs in captivity, little stimulation beyond that provided by nest box presentation is required to reinitiate egg laying. The environmental and social manipulations of the enriched conditions could be useful in increasing reproductive performance of captive Amazon parrots for the companion bird trade. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Keywords:psittacines  captive breeding  bird trade  environmental enrichment
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