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Different propensity for spontaneous differentiation of cell clones isolated from the human ovarian surface epithelial cell line HOC-7
Authors:Thomas W. Grunt  Helga Oeller  Canatay Somay  Christian Dittrich
Affiliation:Laboratory for Applied and Experimental Tumor Cell Biology, Division of Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine I, University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18–20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Abstract:Abstract. Limiting dilution culture of cell fractions obtained by discontinuous density gradient centrifugation was used to establish six different cell clones from HOC-7 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells (D1-D3, N1-N3). Clones D1-D3 revealed a phenotype similar to that seen in parental cells exposed to differentiation inducers such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, 0.8% [v/v]). They were flattened, slowly growing cells (doubling times: 42–46 h). The cells developed long cytoplasmic extensions and adopted a complicated growth pattern. Fixed-cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting demonstrated that these cells contained high levels of epidermal growth factor-receptor (EGF-R), carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA 125), fibronectin and desmoplakin, but low levels of myc oncoproteins. However, untreated parental cells and clones N1–N3 were fastgrowing (doubling times: 23–28 h), regularly shaped, polygonal cells ("cobblestone'monolayer) with low levels of EGF-R, CA 125, fibronectin and desmoplakin, but relatively higher amounts of myc oncoproteins. The similarity of the sublines to either untreated or inducertreated parental cells indicated that clones D1–D3 represented spontaneously differentiated HOC-7 cells, whereas clones N1–N3 originated from less-differentiated cells. The features examined in this model cell system proved to be closely related to ovarian cancer cell proliferation and differentiation. The observation of a tumorinherent propensity for spontaneous differentiation suggests that exogenous stimulation of existing differentiation pathways may represent an alternative approach for tackling the problem of growth control and differentiation in malignant tissues.
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