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Pathogenic Potential of Tylenchorhynchus dubius on Selected Turfgrass
Authors:C. W. Laughlin  J. M. Vargas  Jr.
Abstract:Tylenchorhynchus dubius was observed to feed on ''Toronto'' creeping bentgrass and ''Merion'' Kentucky bluegrass, and was a key participant in reducing the vegetative growth of both grass species. The severity of foliar and root macrosymptoms incited by T. dubius to ''Toronto'' bentgrass was greater on plants grown at 16 C than on plants maintained at 21, 27 and 32 C. These parasitized plants exhibited a suppression of secondary stolon formation, shortened internodes and premature inflorescence initiation. Initial inoculum densities of 500 and 1000 nematodes/test pot produced similar pathogenic effects on the host. Feeding was primarily on root hairs and epidermal cells immediately behind the meristematic region. No necrotic lesions or other diagnostic symptoms were visible at the feeding sites. Nematodes were not observed inside the roots.
Keywords:stunt nematode   temperature   feeding
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