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Innervation pattern and electric organ discharge waveform in Gymnotus carapo (Teleostei; Gymnotiformes)
Authors:O. Trujillo-Cen  z,J. A. Echagü  e,O. Macadar
Affiliation:O. Trujillo-Cenóz,J. A. Echagüe,O. Macadar
Abstract:The electrogenic organ (EO) of Gymnotus carapo has two main portions: a posterior region consisting of four bilaterally arranged electrocyte rows; and an anterior portion composed of only two. The lateral row (LR) of the anterior portion contains doubly innervated electrocytes with axon terminals from different nerves on their rostral and caudal faces. The LR is continuous with the most dorsal row of the caudal region. This row also contains doubly innervated electrocytes. The medial row (MR) electrocytes of the anterior region and ventral rows of the caudal region are exclusively caudally innervated. All caudal faces of the anterior or abdominal region are supplied by two nerves which originate from spinal roots VIII to XXI. Roots I to VII give origin to pure rostral nerves whose electromotor axons terminate on the rostral surfaces of the first seven LR electrocytes. A given doubly innervated electrocyte is supplied on its caudal face by a nerve originating several segments (usually seven) posterior to the spinal root supplying its rostral face. Transections of the spinal cord at the level of root VIII isolate the activity of the rostral surfaces of the first electrocytes. The EO discharge (EOD) then appears as a head negative deflection which arises from abdominally located electrocytes. Its monophasic character reveals that the activity remains restricted to the rostral electrocyte surfaces. Damage of the abdominal portion of the EO abolishes the first negative deflection of the normal pulse. Transections of the spinal cord at the level of root XXI isolate the activity of the whole abdominal portion of the EO. Since both doubly and singly innervated electrocytes remain active, the EOD appears biphasic. Comparative studies have shown that the EOD of Hypopomus sp. lacks any early negative wave and correspondingly all its electrocytes are exclusively caudally innervated.
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