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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article: Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Reinhardt, V., und A. Reinhardt Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Losey, G. S. Jr. (1982): Ecological cues and experience modify interspecific aggression by the damselfish Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Sekulic, R. (1982): The function of howling in red howler monkeys Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Nijssen, A. (1982): The relation between the eating system and the grooming system in rats Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Sordahl, T. A. (1982): Antipredator behavior of American avocet and black-necked stilt chicks Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Muszalski Shy, M. (1982): Interspecific feeding among birds Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Burkhardt, D. (1982): Birds, berries and UV. A note on some consequences of UV vision in birds Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Beilharz, R. G. , und K. Zeeb (1982): Social dominance in dairy cattle Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Porter, F. L. , und G. F. McCracken (1983): Social behavior and allozyme variation in a captive colony of Carollia perspicillata Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Krebs, J. R. , und N. B. Davies (1981): Öko-Ethologie (Behavioural ecology) Zeitschriften/Periodicals: Voith, V. L. , and P. L. Borchelt, eds. (1982): Symposium on animal behavior
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