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Learning of salient prey traits explains Batesian mimicry evolution
Authors:Baharan Kazemi  Gabriella Gamberale‐Stille  Therese Wåtz  Christer Wiklund  Olof Leimar
Institution:Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, SE‐10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract:Batesian mimicry evolution involves an initial major mutation that produces a rough resemblance to the model, followed by smaller improving changes. To examine the learning psychology of this process, we applied established ideas about mimicry in Papilio polyxenes asterius of the model Battus philenor. We performed experiments with wild birds as predators and butterfly wings as semiartificial prey. Wings of hybrids of P. p. asterius and Papilio machaon were used to approximate the first mutant, with melanism as the hypothesized first mimetic trait. Based on previous results about learning psychology and imperfect mimicry, we predicted that: melanism should have high salience (i.e., being noticeable and prominent), meaning that predators readily discriminate a melanistic mutant from appearances similar to P. machaon; the difference between the first mutant and the model should have intermediate salience to allow further improvement of mimicry; and the final difference in appearance between P. p. asterius and B. philenor should have very low salience, causing improvement to level off. Our results supported both the traditional hypothesis and all our predictions about relative salience. We conclude that there is good agreement between long‐held ideas about how Batesian mimicry evolves and recent insights from learning psychology about the role of salience in mimicry evolution.
Keywords:Discrimination learning  generalization  mimicry evolution  salience  two‐step hypothesis
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