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The interrelationship between photosynthetic electron transport, glycolate excretion and amino acid metabolism in the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans1
Authors:Halldal, Per   Holmen, Aase Turid
Affiliation:Botanical Laboratory, University of Oslo P. O. Box 1045, Blindern, Oslo 3, Norway
Abstract:Photosynthetic rate was measured at (1) a wavelength of 619nm, which predominantly excites PS II although PS I is alsosignificantly excited; (2) 446 nm, which excites mainly PS I;(3) 687 nm for the excitation of PS I; and (4) the wavelengthcombinations of 619+446 and 619+687 nm for enhancement studies.The observed photosynthetic enhancement was 11 to 17%, whileglycolate excretion into the medium was reduced by approximately33%. The production of the amino acid serine also decreased significantly,15 to 19%. A small but insignificant reduction in the productionof glycine was also observed. We suggest that some glycolatewas consumed in an oxidation process associated with PS I duringphotosynthetic enhancement. In this situation, we assume thatthe supply of electrons from the water-splitting process ofPS II is too low for efficient reduction of NADP. This may partlybe compensated by the oxidation of glycolate in the electrontransport chain of photosynthesis in a process associated withPS I. Since the production of amino acids associated with theglycolate pathway also decreased, we conclude that the productfrom the photooxidation of glycolate connected to PS I was directedout of the glycolate pathway. (Received November 28, 1978; )
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