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Structural interpretation of the two-site binding of troponin on the muscle thin filament
Authors:Alan S. Mak  Lawrence B. Smillie
Affiliation:Medical Research Council of Canada Group in Protein Structure and Function Department of Biochemistry University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada T6G 2H7
Abstract:Conditions are described for the quantitative removal of amino acid residues 274 to 284 from rabbit muscle α-tropomyosin with carboxypeptidase A. The product, non-polymerizable tropomyosin, has a much reduced affinity for the tropomyosinbinding fragment CB1 (residues 1 to 151) of troponin-T. Iodination of α-tropomyosin and non-polymerizable tropomyosin by 125I and lactoperoxidase was carried out in the presence and absence of CB1. Following tryptic digestion and peptide mapping, the radioactivities of the labeled tyrosine peptides were compared. In the presence of CB1, tyrosine residues 261 and 267 were iodinated only to the extent of 30 to 40% as compared with the same tyrosine residues in the absence of CB1, All other tyrosine residues (60, 162, 214 and 221) were iodinated to a similar level in the absence or presence of CB1. With non-polymerizable tropomyosin, the presence of CB1 had a much reduced effect on the level of labeling of the tyrosine residues. We conclude that the highly helical region of troponin-T (residues 71 to 151) binds close to or at the COOH-terminal end of the tropomyosin molecule. Taken together with other considerations and recent observations, the results can be interpreted in terms of the two-site model for troponin attachment to the thin filament. A calcium-insensitive site would involve interaction of the highly helical CB2 region of troponin-T (residues 71 to 151) and the COOH-terminal region of tropomyosin (residues 258 to 284) and perhaps the NH2-terminal overlap region (residues 1 to 9). A calcium-sensitive site would involve the interaction of troponin-T in the neighborhood of cysteine 190 of tropomyosin in F-actin-tropomyosin assemblies both directly and indirectly through the association of its COOH and NH2-terminal regions with the troponin-I and C components.
Keywords:Tn  troponin  Tn-C  troponin-C  Tn-I  troponin-I  Tn-T  troponin-T  TM  tropomyosin  NPTM  non-polymerizable tropomyosin
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