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Authors:Lazarus Walter Macior
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Marquette University, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin
Abstract:An established colony of Dodecatheon meadia on glacial drift in southeastern Wisconsin was observed for its insect pollination interrelationships. Twelve randomly distributed plants from which insects were excluded failed to produce seed, while plants exposed to insect visits set abundant seed. Female solitary bees of 2 species, viz., Augochloropsis metallica fulgida (Smith) and Lasioglossum forbesii (Robertson), and queens and workers of 7 species of Bombus were observed collecting pollen from the pendant anther cone by rapid wing vibration, while hanging inverted from the cone tip. This behavior—cinematographically recorded—was found fundamentally identical to that of females of the same species of solitary bees and of queens and workers of 5 species of Bombus on Solanum dulcamara, and of females of Lasioglossum forbesii (Robertson) and workers of 2 species of Bombus on Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. No other insects were found to pollinate these morphologically similar flowers in this manner, and crepuscular pollinators were not observed. Experimental modifications of form, function, and position of Dodecatheon flowers were offered to the pollinators, and behavioral changes of the insects were noted. Constituents of insect pollen loads were examined, and relationships of the pollinators to the flora of the region were noted. The detailed ecological study of insect pollen vector behavior as an aid in discovering biosystematic relationships of plant populations is suggested.
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