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Authors:Lawrence C. Matten
Affiliation:Department of Botany, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Abstract:A new genus from a Middle Devonian locality near Cairo, N. Y., is described. Actinoxylon gen. nov. is based upon pyritic petrifactions. Three orders of branching are present: penultimate branch, ultimate branch, and leaf. The penultimate branch bears spirally arranged ultimate branches and leaves, the leaves apparently replacing the branches in the spiral. The ultimate branches bear opposite to subopposite and decussate leaves. The leaves are non-planated, unwebbed structures which show at least three dichotomies. Each segment of the leaf is terete as are all other axes. Internally the penultimate branch has a six-lobed actinostele with mesarch protoxylem areas, one or two per lobe. Secondary xylem is visible in the oldest parts of several specimens. The xylem has helical-reticulate, reticulate, scalariform and circular-pitted elements. The presumptive areas of phloem are occupied by cells with dark contents. The cortex is composed of a parenchymatous inner region and a sclerenchymatous outer region. The ultimate branch traces are at first three-lobed protosteles, later becoming four-lobed. Several ultimate branch traces also possess secondary xylem while within the cortex of the penultimate branch. The leaf traces are terete strands. Below each forking of a leaf segment there is a corresponding forking of the vascular strand. Actinoxylon is compared with the progymnosperms Actinopodium, Svalbardia, Archaeopteris, Siderella, and Tetraxylopteris. The anatomy of the penultimate branch of Actinoxylon is similar to that of Actinopodium, Archaeopteris macilenta, and Siderella. The ultimate branch traces of Archaeopteris and Actinoxylon are similar. The ultimate branch stele and pattern of trace formation in Actinoxylon is similar to the stelar configuration and trace formation in the r + 2 axes of Tetraxylopteris schmidtii. The unwebbed leaves are similar to those of Archaeopteris fissilis, Svalbardia, and the terminal units of the Aneurophytales.
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