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Authors:Dennis W. Stevenson  Richard A. Popham
Affiliation:Department of Botany, The Ohio State University, Columbus
Abstract:Anomalous secondary thickening occurs in the main axis of Bougainvillea spectabilis as a result of a primary thickening meristem which differentiates in pericycle. The primary thickening meristem first appears in the base of the primary root about 6 days after germination and differentiates acropetally as the root elongates. It begins differentiating from the base of the hypocotyl toward the shoot apex about 33 days after germination. The primary thickening meristem is first observable at the base of the first internode about 60 days after germination. It then becomes a cylinder in the main axis of the seedling. No stelar cambial cylinder forms in the primary root, hypocotyl, or stem because vascular cambium differentiation occurs neither in the pericycle opposite xylem points in the primary root nor in interfascicular parenchyma in the hypocotyl or stem. The primary vascular system of the stem appears anomalous because an inner and an outer ring of vascular bundles differentiate in the stele. Bundles of the inner ring anastomose in internodes, whereas those of the outer ring do not. Desmogen strands each of which is composed of phloem, xylem with both tracheids and vessels, and a desmogic cambium, differentiate from prodesmogen strands in conjunctive tissue. The parenchymatous cells surrounding desmogen strands then differentiate into elongated simple-pitted fibers and thick-walled fusiform cells that are about the same length as the primary thickening meristem initials.
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