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引用本文:郝占庆,张健,李步杭,叶吉,王绪高,姚晓琳. 长白山次生杨桦林样地:物种组成与群落结构[J]. 植物生态学报, 2008, 32(2): 251-261. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.02.003
作者姓名:郝占庆  张健  李步杭  叶吉  王绪高  姚晓琳
作者单位:(1 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110016);(2 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049)
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新工程项目 , 国家科技支撑计划
摘    要: 长白山次生杨桦林是该地区阔叶红松林经皆伐和火烧等破坏后恢复形成的主要次生林类型之一,是阔叶红松林次生演替系列中的重要阶段。参 照巴拿马巴洛科罗拉多岛(Barro Colorado Island, BCI)50 hm2 热带雨林样地的技术规范,于2005年在长白山北坡的自然保护区内建立了 一块5 hm2的次生杨桦林长期监测样地,对样地内所有胸径≥1 cm的木本植物进行了详细的定位调查。对样地的物种组成与群落结构的分析表明 :次生杨桦林样地物种组成丰富,共包括16科28属44种;区系特征明显,北温带成分占主要部分;样地内被监测的树木个体数为20 101,不包 括分枝的独立个体数为16 565;优势树种明显,从个体数、平均胸径、胸高断面积和重要值等分析来看,演替先锋树种白桦(Betula platyphylla)和山 杨(Populus davidiana)在群落中占有绝对优势地位,但从径级结构来看,它们的更新却非常差,随着演替的进展,这些先 锋树种将逐渐走向衰亡;阔叶红松林中的主要树种如红松(Pinus koraiensis)和紫椴(Tilia amurensis) 等已经在次生杨桦林中占有了一定的 比例,林下更新良好,逐渐进入林冠层并最终取代杨桦等成为该森林的优势种;从物种的空间分布格局来看,演替先锋树种和阔叶红松林中的 主要树种并没有表现出明显的聚集性分布格局,而其它的小乔木和灌木树种则表现出明显的聚集性分布格局,但与地形并没有表现出明显的相 关性,相关结论还需要进一步分析。

关 键 词:群落结构,  生物多样性,  天然次生林,  森林动态监测样地,  长白山

HAO Zhan-Qing,ZHANG Jian,LI Bu-Hang,YE Ji,WANG Xu-Gao,YAO Xiao-Lin. NATURAL SECONDARY POPLAR-BIRCH FOREST IN CHANGBAI MOUNTAIN:SPECIES COMPOSITION AND COMMUNITY STRUCTURE[J]. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2008, 32(2): 251-261. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.02.003
Authors:HAO Zhan-Qing  ZHANG Jian  LI Bu-Hang  YE Ji  WANG Xu-Gao  YAO Xiao-Lin
Affiliation:1Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China; 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Abstract:Aims Natural secondary poplar-birch forest is one of main secondary forests in Changbai Mountain, which is formed by the restoration after clear-cutting or fire. And it is an important stage in the secondary succession of broad-leaved Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest. A 5 hm2 natural secondary poplar-birch forest plot was established in Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve in 2005 in order to gain insights into the processes driving regeneration and succession of the forest and its climax community—broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest. This paper aims were to give some basic information on the forest, including species composition and community structure. Methods In the plot, all free-standing trees at least 1 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH,1.3 m above ground) were mapped, tagged, and identified to species, and their geographic coordinates were recorded following a standard field protocol. A total survey station was used to determine the elevations of edge points. Important findings There are 16 565 genotype individuals (20 101 individuals with branch), belonging to 44 species, 28 genera, and 16 families. Floristic characteristics of the community are very prominent. At the generic levels, North temperate areal-type is the main part of genus areal-types. The statistics of species abundance, basal area, mean DBH, and important value showed that pioneer species Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana are obviously dominant species. However, the regeneration of the two species is very poor by the analysis of size-class distributions, which indicated that they will quit the stage along with the succession of the community. Some tree species, such as Korean pine and Tiliaam urensis, which are main species in broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest, account for a large proportion in the understory layer. Therefore, they will replace the pioneer species and dominate the overstory layer. Spatial distribution patterns of species were analyzed. For pioneer species and those species that are main species in broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest, there is no obviously clumped pattern captured. For the midstory and understory species, there are obviously clumped patterns of many species by the observation. There is no obvious correlation between the clumped patterns and the topography.
Keywords:community structure  biodiversity  natural secondary forest  forest dynamics plot (FDP)  Changbai Mountain
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