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Chronic hormone replacement therapy alters thermoregulatory and vasomotor function in postmenopausal women
Authors:Brooks, E. M.   Morgan, A. L.   Pierzga, J. M.   Wladkowski, S. L.   O'Gorman, J. T.   Derr, J. A.   Kenney, W. L.
Abstract:Brooks, E. M., A. L. Morgan, J. M. Pierzga, S. L. Wladkowski, J. T. O'Gorman, J. A. Derr, and W. L. Kenney. Chronic hormone replacement therapy alters thermoregulatory and vasomotor function in postmenopausal women. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(2): 477-484, 1997.---This investigationexamined effects of chronic (>= 2 yr) hormone replacement therapy (HRT),both estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) and estrogen plus progesteronetherapy (E+P), on core temperature and skin blood flow responses ofpostmenopausal women. Twenty-five postmenopausal women [9 not onHRT (NO), 8 on ERT, 8 on E+P] exercised on a cycle ergometer for1 h at an ambient temperature of 36°C. Cutaneous vascularconductance (CVC) was monitored by laser-Doppler flowmetry, and forearmvascular conductance (FVC) was measured by using venous occlusionplethysmography. Iontophoresis of bretylium tosylate was performedbefore exercise to block local vasoconstrictor (VC) activity at oneskin site on the forearm. Rectal temperature (Tre) was ~0.5°C lower forthe ERT group (P < 0.01) comparedwith E+P and NO groups at rest and throughout exercise. FVC: mean body temperature (Tb) and CVC:Tb curves were shifted~0.5°C leftward for the ERT group(P < 0.0001). Baseline CVC wassignificantly higher in the ERT group(P < 0.05), but there was nointeraction between bretylium treatment and groups once exercise wasinitiated. These results suggest that1) chronic ERT likely acts centrally to decrease Tre,2) ERT lowers theTre at which heat-loss effector mechanisms are initiated, primarily by actions on active cutaneous vasodilation, and 3) addition ofexogenous progestins in HRT effectively blocks these effects.

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