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Road density and wetland context alter population structure of a freshwater turtle
Authors:Andrew J. Hamer  Lee J. Harrison  Danielle Stokeld
Affiliation:Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne c/o School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Abstract:Roads are detrimental to wildlife populations that require contiguous networks of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Many species of freshwater turtles are sensitive to habitat fragmentation caused by roads, and are susceptible to road mortality during overland migrations. The common long‐necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis) is an Australian freshwater turtle that frequently moves between wetlands, and so populations may incur negative impacts from road effects. Here, we assessed the relationship between C. longicollis and road density and landscape variables within populations inhabiting 20 wetlands distributed throughout greater Melbourne, Australia. The size frequency distribution of C. longicollis at sites surrounded by high road densities was skewed towards larger individuals, but there was no difference in the frequency of juveniles between high and low road density sites. Regression modelling revealed a clear positive relationship between road density and carapace length (CL) of C. longicollis; the mean CL at a site with the highest road density was predicted to be 23% greater than mean CL at a site surrounded by no roads. Female CL was also positively related to road density. There was a clear positive relationship between wetland age and CL, although this relationship was not as strong. While there was no relationship evident between road density and the proportion of female C. longicollis at a site, more females were captured at smaller ephemeral sites surrounded by a high proportion of green open space and located near drainage lines. We did not find evidence of sex‐related differences in road effects. These results suggest that roads may be affecting C. longicollis in the study area, but the direct cause of any effects is difficult to identify.
Keywords:Chelodina longicollis  demography  reptile  road effect  urbanization
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