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RTN TRH causes prolonged respiratory stimulation
Authors:Cream, Carlos L.   Li, Aihua   Nattie, Eugene E.
Abstract:Cream, Carlos L., Aihua Li, and Eugene E. Nattie. RTNTRH causes prolonged respiratory stimulation. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 792-799, 1997.---We injectedthyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 10 nl; 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 10 mM),its inactive free acid form (TRHOH; 1 mM), or a metabolite with lowTRH-receptor binding affinity, histidine-proline diketopiperazine (cHP;1 mM), into the retrotrapezoid nucleus of anesthetized rats. Injectionlocation was verified by anatomic analysis. Lower doses (0.25-0.5mM) significantly increased both the product of integrated phrenicamplitude and frequency(<LIM><OP>∫</OP></LIM>Phr · f) and f for 20-30min compared with artificial cerebrospinal fluid control injections. Higher doses (1.0-10 mM) produced greater and long-lastingstimulation of <LIM><OP>∫</OP></LIM>Phr · f,<LIM><OP>∫</OP></LIM>Phr, and f and of blood pressure. Thisstimulation reached values 150% of baseline and durations of 270 minafter a single injection. TRHOH (1 mM ) or cHP (1 mM) had no effect on<LIM><OP>∫</OP></LIM>Phr but increased f, as did 1 mM TRH. We concludethat TRH has a very powerful stimulatory effect in the retrotrapezoidnucleus region on <LIM><OP>∫</OP></LIM>Phr · f, withthe <LIM><OP>∫</OP></LIM>Phr response seemingly specific for TRHreceptors. Similar responses of f to TRHOH and cHP suggest it may benonspecific.

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