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Effects of Oxidative Stress Caused by Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide on Energy Metabolism and Senescence in Oat Leaves
Authors:Trippi, Victorio S.   Gidrol, Xavier   Pradet, Alain
Affiliation:1Laboratorio de Fisiologia Vegetal Casilla de Correo 395; 5000 Cdrdoba, Repiiblica Agrentina
2Station de Physiologie Vegetate (INRA) 33140 Pont-de-la-Maye, France
Abstract:In attached oat leaves the levels of adenine nucleotides decreasedduring leaf development and senescence. However, the energycharge (EC) only decreased from 0.90 in 4-cm leaves to 0.80in senescent leaves. In detached leaves the levels of adeninenucleotides increased for 48 h, in association with an increasein RNase activity and a decrease in levels of RNA. The EC remainedhigh until late senescence when levels of adenine nucleotidesfell to about 30% of initial values. A decrease in energy parametersinduced by transfer from light to darkness and from high (21%)to low (0.5% and anoxia) concentrations of oxygen resulted inan increase in membrane permeability. Oxidative stress (above 0.5% O2 induced an increase in levelsof malondialdehyde (MDA) and then in permeability, associatedwith a decrease in levels of adenine nucleotides. Oxidativestress provoked by 0.05 and 0.10 M H2O2 caused a more rapiddecrease in energy parameters than O2. Under oxidative stress(above 0.5% O2) there is, first of all, an increase in membranepermeability and then a decrease in energy parameters, whichin turn are involved with senescence via increases in oxidationof membranes and degradation of energy-producing systems. (Received October 6, 1987; Accepted October 19, 1988)
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