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Properties of the human erythrocyte membrane receptors for peanut and Dolichos biflorus lectins.
Authors:W G Carter  N Sharon
Affiliation:Department of Biophysics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Abstract:Neuraminidase treatment of blood type A and B human erythrocytes, which is required for the agglutination of these cells by peanut (Arachis hypogaea) lectin, increased the number of receptor sites for the lectin from about 5 × 104 to 1.8 × 106 sites/ cell for both blood types. The same treatment also increased the agglutinability of type A cells by the blood group A-specific Dolichos biflorus lectin, but the number of receptor sites for this lectin (~6 × 105 sites/cell) did not change. D. biflorus lectin binding and agglutination of blood type B cells were negligible both before and after neuraminidase treatment. To isolate the peanut agglutinin receptor from the membrane of these cells, washed type A erythrocytes were incubated with neuraminidase and galactose oxidase and then treated with NaB3H4, thus labeling the galactose residues on the membrane. For measuring peanut agglutinin receptor activity, a radioaffinity assay was developed based on the displacement of [14C]asialofetuin from peanut agglutinin by receptor and precipitation of the complex in the presence of polyethyleneglycol. Membranes were isolated by hypotonic lysis and were solubilized in 0.5% Empigen BB, a zwitterionic detergent, which was found to be superior to Triton X-100 for this purpose. The cell extract, after centrifugation, was subjected to affinity chromatography on peanut agglutinin-polyacrylhydrazido-Sepharose. Elution with lactose afforded a peak of radioactivity (32% yield) containing 70% of the applied receptor activity. The eluting sugar and the receptor were separated by chromatography on Bio-Gel P-2 with subsequent dialysis against 80% acetone to remove the detergent. The bulk of the isolated receptor radioactivity (91%) precipitated with peanut agglutinin. The amino acid composition, the glucosamine and galactosamine content and the electrophoretic mobility, on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate of the peanut receptor were similar to those of asialoglycophorin. In addition, the peanut receptor coprecipitated with asialoglycophorin and with isolated erythrocyte T antigen on Ouchterlony double-diffusion plates against peanut agglutinin and the Ricinus communis lectin, but not with D. biflorus lectin, suggesting that the receptor for the latter lectin is distinct from the peanut agglutinin receptor.
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