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Conformational investigation of alpha,beta-dehydropeptides. XV: N-acetyl-alpha,beta-dehydroamino acid N 'N '-dimethylamides: conformational properties from infrared and theoretical studies.
Authors:Ma&#x  gorzata A. Broda,Dawid Siod&#x  ak,Barbara Rzeszotarska
Affiliation:Institute of Chemistry, University of Opole, 45-052 Opole, Poland.
Abstract:The FTIR spectra were analysed in the region of the nu(s)(N-H), AI(C=O) and nu(s)(Calpha=Cbeta) bands for a series of Ac-DeltaXaa-NMe2, where DeltaXaa = DeltaAla, (Z)-DeltaAbu, (Z)-DeltaLeu, (Z)-DeltaPhe and DeltaVal, to determine a predominant solution conformation of these alpha,beta-dehydropeptide-related molecules. Measurements were taken in CCl4, DCM and MeCN solutions. In the same way, spectra of saturated analogues Ac-Xaa-NMe2, where Xaa = Ala, Abu, Leu, Phe and Val, were investigated. To help interpret the spectroscopic results, conformational maps were calculated by the B3LYP/6-31+G** method. Also, the relative energies of all conformers of the dehydro compounds in vacuo as well as in the studied solvents in addition to the theoretical IR frequencies of these conformers were calculated. For comparison, molecules of two saturated analogues, Ac-L-Ala-NMe2 and Ac-L-Phe-NMe2, were calculated in a similar way. Both unsaturated and saturated compounds, which have an aliphatic side chain, occur in CCl4 and DCM mainly as a mixture of extended conformers with the C5 H-bond and open conformers. As solvent polarity increases, participation of the open conformers also increases, and in MeCN, the model amides are almost exclusively in the open form, except Ac-DeltaAla-NMe2, which shows a small amount of the H-bonded conformer. Ac-DeltaAla-NMe2 and Ac-DeltaAbu-NMe2 have stronger C5 hydrogen bonds than those of their saturated counterparts. As the calculations indicate, the open conformation of the unsaturated amides is conformer H/F with phi, psi -44 +/- 5 degrees, 127 +/- 4 degrees. This is the second lowest in energy conformer in vacuo and in CCl4 and the lowest one in more polar solvents. The open conformation of Ac-L-Ala-NMe2 constitutes conformer C with phi, psi -101.5 degrees, 112.7 degrees. For Ac-DeltaAla-NMe2 and Ac-DeltaAbu-NMe2, FTIR also reveals the presence of a third conformer. Calculations indicate that is the semiextended conformer D with the N1-H1...N2 hydrogen bond/contact. In all solvents, Ac-L-Phe-NMe2 and Ac-(Z)-DeltaPhe-NMe2 show only the extended E and the open H/F, respectively. In both there is an amide/pi(Ph) interaction.
Keywords:α,β‐dehydroamino acids  density functional theory calculations  FTIR spectroscopy  theoretical IR frequencies  conformation  C5 hydrogen bond  solute/solvent interaction  amide/π(Ph) interaction
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