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The Wisdom of Networks: A General Adaptation and Learning Mechanism of Complex Systems
Authors:Peter Csermely
Institution:Department of Medical Chemistry, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Abstract:I hypothesize that re‐occurring prior experience of complex systems mobilizes a fast response, whose attractor is encoded by their strongly connected network core. In contrast, responses to novel stimuli are often slow and require the weakly connected network periphery. Upon repeated stimulus, peripheral network nodes remodel the network core that encodes the attractor of the new response. This “core‐periphery learning” theory reviews and generalizes the heretofore fragmented knowledge on attractor formation by neural networks, periphery‐driven innovation, and a number of recent reports on the adaptation of protein, neuronal, and social networks. The core‐periphery learning theory may increase our understanding of signaling, memory formation, information encoding and decision‐making processes. Moreover, the power of network periphery‐related “wisdom of crowds” inventing creative, novel responses indicates that deliberative democracy is a slow yet efficient learning strategy developed as the success of a billion‐year evolution. Also see the video abstract here: https://youtu.be/IIjP7zWGjVE .
Keywords:adaptation  attractors  decision‐making  learning  memory retrieval  network core and periphery  protein dynamics
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