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引用本文:陈国亮,李仲逵,宋培琳,金崑,沈庆永. 华南虎现状及谱系分析[J]. 动物学杂志, 2001, 36(4): 45-48
作者姓名:陈国亮  李仲逵  宋培琳  金崑  沈庆永
作者单位:1. 上海动物园
2. 北京林业大学生物学博士后流动站
3. 重庆动物园
摘    要:华南虎目前处于极危状态。野生个体已极为少见,只有中国一些动物园内饲养着 53只。按其亲缘关系分为上海系和贵阳系,上海系的华南虎携带优秀的多子基因,但其子代的生活力不强;而贵阳系的虎虽然产子率不高,但子代的生活力很强,现存的6只贵阳系华南虎具有极高的基因保存与基因研究价值,应建立基因库。这些虎分散饲养于22个单位,大大降低了适龄虎的交配繁殖机会,浪费了本已有限的珍贵资源,是抑制其种群发展的最主要因素。目前其种群的年龄结构非常合理,育龄虎占种群的62.3%,幼龄虎为28.3%,高龄虎很少,仅为9.4%,今后种群的发展乐观。

关 键 词:华南虎  谱系分析  上海系  贵阳系

The Current Situation and the Pedigree Analysis of South China Tiger
Abstract:South China tiger(Panthera tigris amoyensi) is on the edge of extinct.The wild individual of tigers is rarely seen in the field.A total of 53 individuals of South China tigers are kept in 22 zoos in China at present.The potential breeding ability of the 53 tigers have been limited because they are kept in different zoos.It is a great waste for the precious resources.According to the pedigree,the 53 tigers can be divided into two groups,Shanghai branch and Guiyang branch.Tigers belonging to Shanghai branch own excellent multiple-child gene while its descendants living ability are weaker.Tigers belong to Guiyang branch have low child-bearing rate gene,but their offsprings have a stronger ability to survive than those produced by Shanghai branch's tigers.A gene bank should be established for the Guiyang branch's tigers because there are only 6 individuals available in zoos and their gene has a good quality to be kept and studied.Age structure of the tiger population in zoos in good.Adult and young ones compose 62^3% and 28^3% of the captive tiger population.Elder ones which can not give birth only consist a small percentage in the captive tigers.A promising increasing of captive breeding tigers can be predicted in the near future.
Keywords:South China tiger  Pedigree analysis  Shanghai branch  Guiyang branch
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