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Collection of Xylem Sap at Flow Rate Similar to in vivo Transpiration Flux
Authors:Liang, Jiansheng   Zhang, Jianhua
Affiliation:1 Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
2 Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College, Yangzhou University P. R. China
Abstract:We have explored a method to collect xylem sap using a Scholanderpressure chamber for potted plants. Intact root system in potswhich fitted the pressure chamber was pressurised at a pneumaticpressure numerically equal to the absolute value of shoot waterpotential. The rate of xylem flow obtained from the stem stumpunder such pressure was found similar to the rate of transpirationbefore detopping. The rate of pressurised flow from detop-pedroots was linearly related to the pressure applied in both well-wateredand soil-dried plants. The osmotic concentration of the xylemsap was negatively related to the rate of volume flow, suggestingthe necessity to collect xylem sap at in vivo flow rate if originalsolute concentration is to be evaluated. The concentration ofABA in the xylem sap, however, did not show such a relationshipwith water flux. Both well-watered and soil-dried plants showedthe concentration of ABA in xylem sap largely stable with arange of volume flow rate, indicating a linear relationshipbetween the rate of ABA delivery through xylem and that of volumeflow. We also compared the concentrations of ABA in xylem sapsequentially collected from pressurised roots with that fromdetached shoots of the same plants. The concentration of ABAin the initial saps from shoots showed to be similar to thatfrom roots. However, a decrease in the concentration of ABAin the xylem sap collected from detached leaf or twig was observedwhen more volume of sap was collected, which might also be dependenton the plant species and the volume of xylem vessels concerned. (Received February 3, 1997; Accepted October 7, 1997)
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