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Allelopathy of Baltic Sea cyanobacteria: no evidence for the role of nodularin
Authors:Suikkanen, Sanna   Engstrom-Ost, Jonna   Jokela, Jouni   Sivonen, Kaarina   Viitasalo, Markku
Affiliation:1 Finnish Institute of Marine Research, PO Box 2, FI-00561 Helsinki, Finland and 2 Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, Division of Microbiology, PO Box 56, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Abstract:Extracts of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Nodularia spumigena,the two most common cyanobacteria forming recurrent blooms inthe Baltic Sea, decrease the abundance of some phytoplanktonspecies via the release of allelopathic substances. We investigatedhow cell-free filtrates of the two cyanobacteria, as well aspurified hepatotoxin nodularin, produced by N. spumigena affectedcell numbers, chlorophyll a content and 14CO2 uptake of thecryptophyte Rhodomonas sp. Both cyanobacterial filtrates significantlyretarded the growth of Rhodomonas sp., A. flos-aquae filtrateup to 46%, whereas purified nodularin showed no significanteffect on any of the growth parameters of the cryptophyte. Theseresults suggest that the allelopathic effect of N. spumigenais most probably due to metabolite(s) other than nodularin,possibly acting via the damage of the target cells.
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