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Decline in exotic tree density facilitates increased plant diversity: the experience from Melaleuca quinquenervia invaded wetlands
Authors:Min B Rayamajhi  Paul D Pratt  Ted D Center  Philip W Tipping  Thai K Van
Institution:(1) USDA/ARS, Invasive Plant Research Laboratory, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314, USA
Abstract:The Australian tree Melaleuca quinquenervia (melaleuca) formed dense monocultural forests several decades after invading parts of Florida and the Caribbean islands. These dominant forests have displaced native vegetation in sensitive wetland systems. We hypothesized that native plant diversity would increase following recent reductions in density of mature melaleuca stands in south Florida. We therefore examined data on changes in melaleuca densities and plant species diversity derived from permanent plots that were monitored from 1997 to 2005. These plots were located within mature melaleuca stands in nonflooded and seasonally-flooded habitats. Two host-specific biological control agents of melaleuca, Oxyops vitiosa and Boreioglycaspis melaleucae, were introduced during 1997 and 2002, respectively. Also, an adventive rust fungus Puccinia psidii and lobate-lac scale Paratachardina pesudolobata became abundant during the latter part of the study period. Overall melaleuca density declines in current study coincided with two to four fold increases in plant species diversity. The greatest declines in melaleuca density as well as the greatest increases in family importance values and species diversity indices occurred in nonflooded as compared to seasonally-flooded habitats. Most pioneer plant species in study sites belonged to Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, and Ulmaceae. The rapid reduction in melaleuca density and canopy cover during the study period may be attributed to self-thinning accelerated by the negative impact of natural enemies. Densities of other woody plants, particularly Myrica and Myrsine, which were sparsely represented in the understory by a few suppressed individuals also declined during the same period, possibly due to infestation by the generalist lac-scale. These findings indicate that natural-enemy accelerated self-thinning of melaleuca densities is positively influencing the native plant diversity and facilitating the partial rehabilitation of degraded habitats.
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