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Ultrastructure of the Mesocarp of Mature Avocado Fruit and Changes Associated with Ripening
Affiliation:Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California Riverside, California 92521, U.S.A.
Abstract:The mesocarp tissue of ripening avocado fruits was studied byfreeze fracture, thin section and scanning electron microscopy.Carbon dioxide and ethylene production by individual fruit weremonitored, and samples were analysed at several stages of theripening process. The tissue is composed primarily of large, isodiametric, lipid-containingparenchyma cells. At maturity these cells contain the normalcomplement of cell organelles, and all membranes appear intact.When ripening begins, several changes in the ultrastructureoccur. The most obvious changes are a loosening and eventualbreakdown of the cell wall, and swelling and vesiculation ofthe rough endoplasmic reticulum. In freeze fracture replicasa significant increase in the number of intramembranous particlesin the EF face of the plasmamembrane was observed at the climactericpeak. In post-climacteric, soft fruit the particle density of theEF face of the plasmamembrane decreased to the density observedin the membrane of pre-climacteric cells. All of the organellesand membranes appear whole and intact whether examined by thinsection, freeze fracture or scanning electron microscopy. However,the cell walls in post-climacteric fruit have almost completelydisappeared. These results indicated that the ripening process per se inavocados does not involve a complete loss of compartmentationnor a breakdown of organelle and membrane integrity. It may,however, lead to these or similar senescence changes as a resultof the loss of the cell walls. The variations in particle densityof the plasmamembrane during ripening may reflect one or moreof several structural, compositional, or functional membranephenomena, and this aspect of ripening warrants further study. Persea americana Mill., avocado pear, freeze fracture, fruit ripening, scanning electron microscopy, senescence, ultrastructure
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