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Coupling of homotropic and heterotropic interactions in Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase
Authors:Patrick Tauc  Claire Leconte  Danièle Kerbiriou  Lucile Thiry  Guy Hervé
Affiliation:Laboratoire d''Enzymologie du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Abstract:Several types of conditions allow the disconnection of homotropic and heterotropic interactions in Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamylase. A model that includes a concerted gross conformational change corresponding to the homotropic cooperative interactions between the catalytic sites and local “site by site” effects promoted by the effectors accounts for this disconnection as well as for the other known properties of the enzyme. However, the substrate concentration influences the extent of stimulation and feedback inhibition of the catalytic activity by the effectors. This result is explained by assuming that these effectors promote a “primary effect”, which is exerted locally “site by site”, and a “secondary effect”, which is mediated by the substrate. As predicted by the model, relaxed (R) forms of the enzyme show only the primary effect. In addition 2-ThioU-aspartate transcarbamylase, a modified form of the enzyme in which the homotropic cooperative interactions between the catalytic sites are selectively abolished, shows the same heterogeneity in CTP binding sites as normal aspartate transcarbamylase.
Keywords:Author to whom inquiries should be addressed.
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