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Changes in plankton and fish larvae communities across hydrographic fronts off West Greenland
Authors:Munk  Peter; Hansen  Benni W; Nielsen  Torkel G; Thomsen  Helge A
Institution:1 Danish Institute for Fisheries Research, Charlottenlund Castle, Dk-2920 Charlottenlund, 2 Roskilde University, PO Box 260,DK-4000 Roskilde and 3 National Environmental Research Institute, Frederiksborgvej 399, PO Box 358, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Abstract:The variability in plankton community structure was studiedin Disko Bay and across important fishing banks off the westcoast of Greenland. The primary goal of the study was to investigatepossible linkages between hydrographical processes and planktonstructures, hypothesizing that hydrographic fronts would bepresent in the area, and that these to a large extent determineplankton distribution, composition and productivity. We sampledalong four cross-shelf transects, one covering Disko Bay andDisko Bank, while the other three covered Store Hellefiske Bank,Lille Hellefiske Bank and Sukkertop Bank. The hydrography wasexamined by CTD profiling, the phytoplankton by fluorescenceprofiling and water bottle sampling, while mesozooplankton andichthyoplankton were sampled by vertical or oblique net hauls,respectively. We observed distinct along-shelf flowing currentsin the area (e.g. the West Greenland Current, the Polar Currentand the Irminger Current), and the physical characteristicsindicated frontogenesis at the shelf slope, in regions of 80–100m water depth. Phytoplankton and ichthyoplankton showed a cross-shelfstructuring with apparent linkages to frontal characteristics,while a more diverse pattern was observed for the mesozooplanktonwhich were dominated by Calanus finmarchicus, Calanus glacialisand Calanus hyperboreus. The relationship between hydrographiccharacteristics and plankton distribution differed among species,and apparently specific plankton communities were establishedin different areas of the shelf. For example the larvae of Boreogadussaida, Ammodytes sp., Reinhardtius hippoglossoides and Stichaeuspunctatus differed markedly in distributional characteristics.In addition to the cross-shelf structuring, marked differencesin species composition and total plankton abundance were observedin the along-shelf (north–south) direction. The latitudinaldifferences in the unicellular plankton communities are interpretedlargely within a seasonal successional framework (i.e. an earlydominance of diatoms followed by increasing importance of smallerunicellular plankton), while the ichthyo- and zooplankton communitiesalso differed by the respective dominance of species with polarversus temperate origin. Our findings suggest that the flowof major currents and the establishment of hydrographical frontsare of primary importance to the plankton communities in theWest Greenland shelf area, influencing the early life of fishand the recruitment to the important fisheries resources.
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