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作者姓名:潘悦容  袁成武
摘    要:本文记述贵州盘县大洞中-晚更新世洞穴堆积中的猴类化石,数量不多,被归入短尾猴(Macacaarctoides),熊猴(M.cf.assamensis)和疣猴亚科(Colobinae)本研究为南方洞穴堆积单个灵长类牙齿的鉴定积累一些资料,同时也扩大了贵州省猴类化石的分布。

关 键 词:猕猴类  中一晚更新世  盘县大洞  灵长目  化石

Pan Yuerong.PLEISTOCENE PRIMATES FROM PANXIAN DADONG, GUIZHOU PROVINCE[J].Acta Anthropologica Sinica,1997,16(3):201-208.
Authors:Pan Yuerong
Abstract:The Panxian Dadong, Guizhou which was discovered recently is an important site for paleoanthropology and paleolithic archaeology. There are four isolated primate teeth which were collected from this site among 40 species of mammals. They are attributed to Macaca arctoides, M. assamensis and perhaps Colobinae. Right M 3. It is fairly worn to expose the dentine at the apices of the buccal cusps and the metaconid. The lingual cusps are higher than the buccal ones. The anterior fovea is small. There is a small but distinct tubercle intermediate between the entoconid and hypoconulid. The size of the M 3 is larger than that of Semnopithecus, Macaca nemestrina and M.mulatta. In the Dadong specimen, molar relief tends to be moderate, and it is expressed in the shallow incised lingual notches of molar cusps, which tend to be close as in cercopithecines. The spacing of apices of molar cusps tends to be close also. Left P 4. The buccal cusp is slightly worn, and the dentine appears only at the apex of protoconid. The premolar morphology is distinguished to be cercopithecines from colobines. The trigonid and the mesial shelf are long in the Dadong specimens. The size of P 4 from Dadong falls within the range of that of M. arctoides and M. assamensis , in the female. It is similar to that of M.arctoides from Guizhou (No. 17966. Zoology Institute, Academia Sinica) in morphology and size. The breadth of the anterior part of the crown is much larger than the posterior one in the M. arctoides and M.assamensis , in male. Right M 2. The upper molar is confirmed to be M 2 on the basis of morphology and contact surfaces. The cusps are slightly worn, the cusps come close to the middle of the crown so that the breadth of the base of the crown is larger than that of the upper one. There is a clear cingulum extending on the mesial and lingual surfaces of the crown. The measurements of the M 2 fall within the range of fossil M.assamensis from Pleistocene, Guangxi and M. anderssoni from Early Pleistocene, Henan. Its significance for taxonomy or geological age will be investigated. Right C,. The crown is well preserved. The root has been broken. The lower canine may possess distal and internal tubercles. It is different from that of M.arctoides. M. assamensis. M. nemestrina etc. It seems similar to that of colobines. In modern primates, M. arctoides, M. thibetana, M.mulatta and Rhinopithecus brelichi, Semnopithecus francoisi live in the Guizhou province and Semnopithecus francoisi still lives in the Liupanshui where the Dadong site is located. Hence there is overlap of modern and fossil primates in the geographical distribution. The discovery of Pleistocene cercopithecines in Panxian Dadong increases their distribution during the Pleistocene period and also adds to our knowledge of primates in the cave fissure deposits of South China.
Keywords:Cercopithecidae  Middle  Late Pleistocene  Panxian Dadong
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