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On sexual agglutination and mating type substances in isogamous dioecious Chlamydomonads: IV. Unilateral inactivation of the sex contact capacity in compatible and incompatible taxa by α-mannosidase and snake venom protease
Authors:Lutz Wiese  Waltraud Wiese
Affiliation:Department Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee 32306 USA
Abstract:Sex cell contact at fertilization is analysed in the mating type reaction of isogamous Chlamydomonas species. Contact is based upon a complementarity between special mating type substances, sex and species specific glycoprotein complexes. In three related taxa, the contact capactiy of their (+) gamete type is sensitive to snake venom protease (α-protease) and depends decisively on terminal α-glycosidically bound mannose residues. Enzymatic removal of these residues by α-mannosidase incapacitates live (+) gametes and inactivates isolated (+) mating type substance. (+) gametes inactivated by α-mannosidase or α-protease do not agglutinate with (?) gametes nor respond to isolated (?) mating type substance. Isolated (?) substance is adsorbed to and inactivated by the homologous (+) gametes. (+) gametes incapacitated by α-mannosidase or α-protease do not adsorb nor inactivate the isolated (?) substance. The agglutinability of live (?) gametes and the contact capacity of isolated (?) mating type substance is not affected by α-mannosidase or α-protease. The mannose residues react only within the species-typical complementarity. Some additional feature(s) of the (+) mating type substances must effect their species specificity and account for gametic isolation and sexual incompatibility between species.
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