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引用本文:邓紫云 赵其昆. 藏猴替代父母行为[J]. 人类学学报, 1996, 15(2): 159-165
作者姓名:邓紫云 赵其昆
摘    要:在温暧季节,峨眉山藏猴(Macacathibetana)部分依赖游人食物,可以作近距离观察。用点取样和焦点动物取样法,其替代父母行为(alloparenting)数据收集于1987年出生季节的后半期(3—6月)。在23周龄内,婴猴有10.5%的时间受到替代父母、主要是成年雄性的照料。其中,7.3%的时间与成年雄性在一起,1.9%与非母亲成年雌性、1.3%与少年猴在一起。雄性较雌性更经常地照料(care),探查(inspecting),拉回(retrieving),排斥(rejecting)婴猴;他们一般只与雄性婴猴玩耍(play).雌性对新生儿兴趣更浓,较早出现探查婴猴的行为。少年猴经常与婴猴玩耍,但其它相互作用较少.替代父母行为可能被选择来补偿母亲在恶劣觅食条件下对子女的高投入.对婴猴的性“歧视”很可能源于母亲对女儿的照料多于儿子,和对雄婴勃起阴茎的“逗乐”反应.

关 键 词:Macacathibetana  替代父母行为  性“歧视”,

Deng Ziyun,Zhao Qikun. ALLOPARENTING FOR NEWBORNS OF MACACA THIBETANA[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 1996, 15(2): 159-165
Authors:Deng Ziyun  Zhao Qikun
Abstract:Alloparenting in Tibetan macaques was studied with POint and focal animal sampling methods in the second half of the 1987 birth season (betWeen March and June). The groups .were provisioned by touristS in warm seasons and aught be observed closely. Within the firSt 23 weeks, infants were caretaken by alloperents for 10.5% of their time (7.3.% with adult males,1.9% with non-mother adult females, and 1 .3% with juveniles), mainly by adult males. In comparison with the females, males involved more often in caretaking, inspecting, retrieving and rejecting infants. They Played only with male infants. Females showed more curiosity to newborns and inspected them earlier. Juveniles Played with infantS most often, but involved in other interaCtions least often. The intensive alloparenting may be selected to compensate the mother's high investment to offspring under POor foraging condition. The *sexual discrimination to infantS may be traced to mothers' greater care for daughters than for sons and the u cuferesPOnses to the erecting penis of male infantS.
Keywords:Macaca thibetana  Alloparenting  Sexual discrimination
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