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Systematic revision of the subgenus Ceratitis MacLeay s.s. (Diptera, Tephritidae)
Authors:M. DE  MEYER
Affiliation:Afdeling Entomologie, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika, Leuvense steenweg 13, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium
Abstract:The fruit fly genus Ceratitis MacLeay (Diptera, Tephritidae) comprises several important pest species attacking a wide range of unrelated fruits. This is the third paper in a series revising the genus, and deals with representatives of the subgenus Ceratitis s.s . Eight species are recognized: Ceratitis brachychaeta Freidberg, C. caetrata Munro, C. capitata (Wiedemann), C. catoirii Guerin-Meneville, C. comuta (Bezzi), C. malgassa Munro, C. manjakatompo Hancock and C. pinax Munro. Lectotypes are designated for C. catoirii and C. pinax . A key for both sexes is provided, with illustrations of cephalic bristles, mesonotal and wing patterns, and shape of aculeus. All species are Afrotropical, except for 67. capitata , which has become widespread. The phylogeny and biogeography of Ceratitis s.s . are discussed, based on a cladistic analysis, and showing indications that the mediterranean fruit fly, C. capitata , may have its origins in eastern Africa. The relationship of this subgenus within the genus Ceratitis s.l . is also outlined.
Keywords:Tephritidae -    Ceratitis -    Afrotropical -    phylogeny -    biogeography
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