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Morphogenic Potential of Cultured Explants of Crocus chrysanthus Herbert. cv. E. P. Bowles
Authors:FAKHRAI, F.   EVANS, P. K.
Abstract:Explants of leaves, basal plates, petals, anthers and ovariesof young growing corms of Crocus chrysanthus var. E. P. Bowleswere cultured on MS basal media with 20 different combinationsof either kinetin and NAA or BAP and 2, 4-D in the dark. Nomajor change was observed except on ovary explants. The ovaryexplants produced callus at 5.0 mg 1–1 and 10 mg–1BAP and subsequently stigma-like structures formed on the surfaceof the callus. Transfer to light resulted in the stigma-likestructures developing a yellow pigmentation whereupon they cameto resemble the naturally-grown stigmas. Corm formation andshoot regeneration was obtained from the callus when the ovaryexplants were cultured on media containing 5.0 and 10 mg I–1BAP with 0.5 mg 1–1 2, 4-D. Increasing the level of 2,4-D markedly reduced the number of shoots produced per explant. Key words: Crocus chrysanthus, callus, ovary explants
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