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Solution structure and thermodynamics of a divalent metal ion binding site in an RNA pseudoknot.
Authors:R L Gonzalez  I Tinoco
Affiliation:Berkeley and Structural Biology Department, Physical Biosciences Division, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720-1460, USA.
Abstract:Identification and characterization of a metal ion binding site in an RNA pseudoknot was accomplished using cobalt (III) hexammine, Co(NH3)63+, as a probe for magnesium (II) hexahydrate, Mg(H2O)62+, in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structural studies. The pseudoknot causes efficient -1 ribosomal frameshifting in mouse mammary tumor virus. Divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+, are critical for RNA structure and function; Mg2+preferentially stabilizes the pseudoknot relative to its constituent hairpins. The use of Co(NH3)63+as a substitute for Mg2+was investigated by ultraviolet absorbance melting curves, NMR titrations of the imino protons, and analysis of NMR spectra in the presence of Mg2+or Co (NH3)63+. The structure of the pseudoknot-Co(NH3)63+complex reveals an ion-binding pocket formed by a short, two-nucleotide loop and the major groove of a stem. Co(NH3)63+stabilizes the sharp loop-to-stem turn and reduces the electrostatic repulsion of the phosphates in three proximal strands. Hydrogen bonds are identified between the Co(NH3)63+protons and non-bridging phosphate oxygen atoms, 2' hydroxyl groups, and nitrogen and oxygen acceptors on the bases. The binding site is significantly different from that previously characterized in the major groove surface of tandem G.U base-pairs, but is similar to those observed in crystal structures of a fragment of the 5 S rRNA and the P5c helix of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron. Changes in chemical shifts occurred at the same pseudoknot protons on addition of Mg2+as on addition of Co(NH3)63+, indicating that both ions bind at the same site. Ion binding dissociation constants of approximately 0.6 mM and 5 mM (in 200 mM Na+and a temperature of 15 degrees C) were obtained for Co(NH3)63+and Mg2+, respectively, from the change in chemical shift as a function of metal ion concentration. An extensive array of non-sequence-specific hydrogen bond acceptors coupled with conserved structural elements within the binding pocket suggest a general mode of divalent metal ion stabilization of this type of frameshifter pseudoknot. These results provide new thermodynamic and structural insights into the role divalent metal ions play in stabilizing RNA tertiary structural motifs such as pseudoknots.
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