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Oogenesis and larval development of Scypha ciliata (Porifera,Calcarea)
Authors:Wilfried Franzen
Affiliation:(1) Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Abteilung, Zoologisches Institut der Universität Bonn, Poppelsdorfer Schloß, D-5300 Bonn 1, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Summary Scypha ciliata is a syconoid sponge. Its oocytes differentiate from choanocytes located near the apopyle of a flagellated chamber, and initially they remain in that location, in a trophic complex with neighbouring choanocytes. When this first growth phase is completed, the oocyte migrates to the periphery of the sponge. There it undergoes a second growth phase, in which it phagocytizes choanocytes and mesenchyme cells.Fertilization of the mature egg is assisted by a converted choanocyte, the sperm carrier cell. This cell penetrates the oocyte and transfers to it the sperm contained in a carriercell vacuole. No meiotic events have yet been observed.Cleavage is asynchronous, with holoblastic, approximately equal divisions. After the first cleavage steps the blastomeres often contain multiple nuclei. The single-layered blastoderm of the stomoblastula consists of many micromeres with flagella that project into the blastocoel, a few macromeres and four cruciform cells. There is no development of a follicle epithelium.The stomoblastula develops into the amphiblastula by inversion; with the assistance of the maternal choanocyte epithelium, the hollow sphere turns inside out, simultaneously moving out of the mesoderm and into the lumen of the adjacent flagellated chamber. In this process, the blastocoel of the stomoblastula is lost. The flagellated cells that form the wall of the amphiblastula now have their flagella extending outward; the amphiblastula also comprises four cruciform cells, macrogranular and agranular cells. The larval cavity of the amphiblastula is a newly formed structure.Abbreviations AB amphiblastula - AP apopyle - BC blastocoel - aC agranular cell - maC macrogranular cell - miC microgranular cell - CB crystalline body - CC central cavity - Ch choanocyte - fCh flat choanocyte - gCh granulate choanocyte - CM cell membrane - Co collar of choanocyte - CrC cruciform cell - DM dense material - EM electron micrograph - F flagellum - FC flagellated cell - FCm flagellated chamber - FL free larva - FV food vacuole - IR interior region - LC larval cavity - M mesenchyme - Ma macromere - MC mesenchyme cell - Mi micromere - N nucleus - Nu nucleolus - O opening - OC oocyte - P psudopodium - PC pinacocyte - PhM phase-contrast micrograph - Po pore - PP prosopyle - S sperm - SB stomoblastula - SC segmentation cavity - SCC sperm-carrier cell - SV sperm vacuole - lT large trophocyte - sT small trophocyte - V vacuole - VC vesicular cytoplasm - VM vacuole membrane
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