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Mass‐dependent reproductive strategies in wild bighorn ewes: a quantitative genetic approach
Authors:R   ale,Festa‐Bianchet
Abstract:In the Ram Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) population, ewes differing by more than 30% in body mass weaned lambs with an average mass difference of only 3%. Variability in adult body mass was partly due to additive genetic effects, but inheritance of weaning mass was weak. Maternal effects could obscure genetic effects in the phenotypic expression of weaning mass, particularly if they reflected strategies of maternal expenditure that varied according to ewe mass. We performed a quantitative genetic analysis to assess genetic and environmental influences on ewe mass and on maternal expenditure. We used the mean daughters/mother regression method and Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood models to estimate heritability (h2) of ewe mass and indices of maternal expenditure. We found additive genetic effects on phenotypic variation in maternal mass, in lamb mass at weaning (absolute maternal expenditure) and in weaning mass relative to maternal mass at weaning (relative maternal expenditure). Heritability suggests that maternal expenditure has the potential to evolve. The genetic correlation of ewe mass and absolute maternal expenditure was weak, while ewe mass and relative maternal expenditure were strongly negatively correlated. These results suggest additive genetic effects on mass‐dependent reproductive strategies in bighorn ewes. Mass‐dependent reproductive strategies could affect lamb survival and phenotypic variation in adult mass. As population density increased and reproduction became costlier, small females reduced maternal expenditure more than large females. Constraints on reproductive strategy imposed by variations in resource availability are therefore likely to differ according to ewe mass. A general trend for a decrease in maternal expenditure relative to maternal size in mammals suggests that size‐dependent negative maternal effects may be common.
Keywords:body mass  genetic correlation  heritability  mammals  maternal effects  maternal expenditure  Ovis canadensis  population density  ungulates
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