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Heat stroke: opioid-mediated mechanisms
Authors:Romanovsky, Andrej A.   Blatteis, Clark M.
Abstract:Romanovsky, Andrej A., and Clark M. Blatteis. Heatstroke: opioid-mediated mechanisms. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2565-2570, 1996.---In our previousstudy in guinea pigs, intensive and prolonged intraperitoneal heating(IPH) caused heat stroke characterized by high mortality andaccompanied by two paradoxical phenomena: ear skin vasoconstriction ata high body temperature (Tb)(hyperthermia-induced vasoconstriction) and a post-IPHTb fall at an ambient temperature (Ta) below thermoneutrality(hyperthermia-induced hypothermia). In this study, we tested thehypothesis that the mechanisms of the two phenomena involve endogenousopioid agonists. Experiments were conducted in 24 unanesthetized,lightly restrained guinea pigs, each chronically implanted with anintraperitoneal thermode and intrahypothalamic thermocouple. Thethermoregulatory effects of a wide-spectrum opioid-receptor antagonist,naltrexone (NTX; 50 or 0 µmol/kg sc), were studied in IPH-inducedheat stroke and under normal conditions. IPH was accomplished byperfusing (50 ml/min; 80 min) water (45°C) through the thermode.Ta was maintained at ~24°C.Skin vasodilation occurred at the onset of IPH but later changed tovasoconstriction despite high Tband continuing IPH. IPH-induced hyperthermia (1.8 ± 0.1°C) was followed by a post-IPH Tb fall (-5.1 ± 0.7°C; calculated for the survivors only). The 48-h mortality ratewas 50%. NTX prevented the hyperthermia-induced vasoconstriction andattenuated the hyperthermia-induced hypothermia (-1.8 ± 0.4°C). None of the NTX-treated animals died. The effects of NTX onTb regulation under normalconditions were minor. These results indicate that the phenomena ofboth hyperthermia-induced vasoconstriction and hyperthermia-inducedhypothermia are opioid dependent. The latter is speculated to reflectopioid-mediated inhibition of metabolism; the former is thought toresult from opioid-induced hemodynamic alterations. Because bothphenomena did not occur in the NTX-treated survivors, the skinvasoconstriction at high Tb andthe posthyperthermia Tb fall maybe viewed as markers of the severity of heat stroke. It is suggestedthat opioid antagonists may have therapeutic potential in heat-induceddisorders.

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