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Pigment Composition of a Novel Oxygenic Photosynthetic Prokaryote Containing Chlorophyll d as the Major Chlorophyll
Authors:Miyashita, Hideaki   Adachi, Kyoko   Kurano, Norihide   Ikemot, Hisato   Chihara, Mitsuo   Miyach, Shigetoh
Affiliation:1 Marine Biotechnology Institute, Kamabhi Laboratories Heita, Kamaishi, Iwate, 026 Japan
2 Marine Biotechnology Institute, Shimizu Laboratories Sodeshi, Shimizu, Shizuoka, 424-19 Japan
3 Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150 Japan
4 Marine Biotechnology Institute Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan
Abstract:The principal pigment found in the majority of oxygenic photosyntheticorganisms is known to be chlorophyll a. However, we isolateda new oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryote that contained chlorophylld as a predominant pigment with chlorophyll a being a minorpigment. Chlorophyll d had previously been noted but its naturaloccurrence and function remained unclear. Cells of the new prokaryotehad an absorption maximum at red region of 714–718 nmdue to chlorophyll d absorption, but no characteristic absorptionpeak of chlorophyll a around 680 nm was observed. Chlorophylld of the new organism was identified spectrophotometricallyin several solvents and its chemical structure was confirmedby NMR and FABMS analysis. The cell also contained a chlorophyllc-like pigment, zeaxanthin and a-carotene but not chlorophyllb and ß-carotene. The content of chlorophyll d accountedfor more than 2% of the cell dry weight, while the content ofchlorophyll a was less than 0.1%. The chlorophyll a/d ratioremained between 0.03 and 0.09 under different culture conditions.The light absorption characteristics and the high content ofchlorophyll d along with the small content of chlorophyll aindicated the existence of a new light utilization mechanisminvolving chlorophyll d. (Received October 7, 1996; Accepted December 16, 1996)
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