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Abstract:The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa. By J. M. D alziel .
Overseas Plant Products. By J. H. H olland .
Les Plantes Alimentaires. IV. Les Plantes à Boissons. By D. Bois.
General and Economic Botany. By E. E. S tanford .
British Grasses and their Employment in Agriculture. By S. F. A rmstrong .
Leguminous Forage Plants. By D. H. R obinson .
The Potato. By W illiam S tuart .
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. By Sir E. J ohn R ussell .
The Biochemistry of Cellulose, the Polyuronides, Lignin, etc. By A. G. N orman .
An Outline of Cytological Technique for Plant Breeders. Special Bulletin of the Imperial Bureau of Plant Genetics, School of Agriculture, Cambridge.
A Manual of Entomological Equipment and Methods, Part II. By A lvah P eterson .
Insects of the British Woodlands. By R. N eil C hrystal .
The Dragonflies of the British Isles. By C ynthia L ongfield .
Oyster Biology and Oyster-culture, being the Buckland Lectures for 1935. By J. H. O rton , D. S c , F.L.S.
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