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引用本文:张金波 宋汉君 张玉萍 朱金玲 金岳雷. 构建融合医学人文教育的新型医学遗传学教学模式[J]. 现代生物医学进展, 2015, 15(18): 3574-3576
作者姓名:张金波 宋汉君 张玉萍 朱金玲 金岳雷
摘    要:医学遗传学是广泛涉及基础与临床学科的综合性课程,对于医学生是至关重要的必修课程。现代医学已由传统的生物-医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式转化,医学诊疗模式从最初的以"疾病为中心"到"以病人为中心"的方式转变,医生不仅精通医术,更要理解患者的心理,与其进行良好的沟通,因此现代医学成为了一门具有自然科学、人文社会科学双重属性的综合性科学体系。长期以来,我国医学院校的教学仍然是生物医学知识和技能占据主导地位,人文课程不受重视。因此,必须加强医学人文知识的学习和技能培训,只有这样才能在未来的医疗工作中掌握良好的医患沟通技巧,建立和谐的医患关系,对处理好日渐增多的医疗纠纷、维护医患双方的共同利益具有重要意义。

关 键 词:医学人文教育  医学遗传学  教学模式

The Construction of the New Teaching Mode of Medical Genetics Fusionwith Medical Humanistic Education
Abstract:Medical genetics is a comprehensive course involving a wide range of basic and clinical subjects, and it is animportant compulsory course for medical students. Modern medicine has changed from the traditional biological medical model tobiological - psychological - social medical model. The medical diagnosis mode has changed from the original "disease as the center"mode to the "patient-centered" mode. Proficient skill is necessary for an eligible doctor, in addition, the understanding the patient''spsychology is also important in the treatment process, so the doctors are required to communicate with the patients more frequently. Sothe modern medicine has become an comprehensive subject which synthesize the character of natural science, humanities and socialsciences. For a long time, teaching is still in the dominant position in the medical college in our country, the humanities curriculum isneglected. Therefore, medical humanistic knowledge and skill training must be strengthened in our daily teaching process. Only in thisway can we grasp the good doctor-patient communication skills and establish the harmonious doctor-patient relationship in medical workin the future, and it is
Keywords:Medical humanities education   Medical genetics   Teaching mode
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