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引用本文:阿力木江·沙吾提 迪力夏提·艾尼 廖礼彬 王水泉 古丽尼沙·克力木. 猿类胰腺的动脉分布模式初步研究[J]. 现代生物医学进展, 2015, 15(25): 4819-4823
作者姓名:阿力木江·沙吾提 迪力夏提·艾尼 廖礼彬 王水泉 古丽尼沙·克力木
作者单位:新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院肝胆血管外科;2 新疆医科大学基础医学院人体解剖学教研室;3 新疆医科大学第五附属医院药剂科;4新疆医科大学基础医学院组织胚胎学教研室
摘    要:目的:对25例猿类胰腺及周围动脉进行解剖分析,研究猿类胰腺动脉的起源及肠系膜上动脉和腹腔干动脉的吻合关系。方法:对6例类人猿(Gorilla 1例,Pan troglodytes 3例和Hylobates lar 2例),13例狭鼻猿(Papio hamadryas 1例,Papio anubis 2例和Cercopithecus aethiops 10例)和6例阔鼻猿(Saimiri 6例)处死后取出内脏,用10%的福尔马林固定后储存在50%的酒精中,对胰腺、胃及脾脏的供应血管进行解剖游离和解剖分析,最后进行画图。结果:猿类胰腺动脉分布发源自腹腔干和/或肠系膜上动脉,胰腺接受腹腔干及肠系膜动脉的双向供应外,也有独自接受腹腔干动脉的血供,腹腔干动脉与肠系膜上动脉之间无任何吻合支存在者占总数的32%。结论:猿类胰腺形态与人类相似,其动脉分布来源比人类更有多样性。

关 键 词:猿类;胰腺;动脉分布模式

Preliminary Study on Pattern of Pancreas Artery in Apes
Abstract:Objective:To analyze the 25 cases of pancreas and surrounding arteries in apes, and study on the pattern of pancreaticartery, identify the origin pancreatic artery and anastomosis relationship between the superior mesenteric artery and the celiac artery.Methods:Six apes, 13 narrow nasal apes and six broad nose apes were fixed with 10%formalin and stored in 50%alcohol, then dissectedthe blood that supply of pancreas, stomach and spleen and the anatomical analysis and drawing were performed.Results:The apespancreatic artery distribution originated from celiac trunk and / or superior mesenteric artery. The pancreas supplied by bidirectional ofceliac and mesenteric arteries and also only with the celiac artery. Of these Apes, 32%of subjects have not ramus anastomoticus betweenthe celiac artery and mesenteric artery.Conclusion:The shape of the pancreas of Apes was similar to humans. However, while the Apeshas the origin of pancreas arterial distribution has a diverse variety than the human being.
Keywords:Apes   The pancreas   The pattern of the arterial supply of the pancreas
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