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Einfluß der Behandlung von Rübensaatgut mit Rhizosphärebakterien auf den Befall durch Pilze der Gattung Pythium I. Antagonistische Wirkung verschiedener Bakterienisolate gegenüber Pythium spp.
Authors:R. A. Sikora  F. Bodenstein   R. Nicolay
Affiliation:Institut für Pflanzenkrankheiten der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitä, Bonn, F.R.G.
Abstract:Abstract The influence of a seed-dressing with rhizosphere bacteria on the infection of sugarbeet by fungi of the genus Pythium I. Antagonistic effect of different bacterial isolates towards Pythium spp.
Seed treatment with selectively isolated rhizosphere bacteria from the fluorescent pseudomonad group can protect sugar beet seedlings from damping-off caused by species of Pythium. The antagonistic rhizobacteria were equally effective in different soil substrates, both unsterilized and steam-sterilized. Antagonistic activity of an isolate was similar within seeds of a sugarbeet cultivar but different when different cultivars were compared. The number of bacteria adhering to the seed of eachcultivar which influenced the level of antagonism to Pythium infection, varied with seed morphology. A mixture of the three different isolates did not increase antagonistic activity when compared to the activity of the isolates individually.
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