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Morbidity and mortality in acute viral hepatitides in a hyperendemic region. The role of viral hepatitis E
Authors:Sharapov M B  Favorov M O  Iashina T L  Onishchenko G G  Asadov D A  Chorba T L
Affiliation:Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Abstract:Official annual statistical data on morbidity in acute viral hepatitides (AVH), including the number of lethal cases, for 1985-1995 were analyzed. Mortality rates per 100,000 of the population at the period of 11 years were calculated for different age groups, sex and the place of residence. 396 and 99 patients were examined for the presence of serological markers of hepatitides A, B and E, respectively, at the periods of epidemic rises in morbidity and satisfactory epidemic situation. In the course of 11 years AVH caused the death of 22,405 persons. In 1985-1987 the average mortality level (ML) reached 12.3-17.8 per 100,000 of the population (with morbidity being 1,200-1,400 and was essentially higher among the rural population in comparison with the urban population. During these years the highest ML, was registered among children aged 0-2 years (190-50 per 100,000) and, among adults, mainly among women aged 20-29 years (21.4-19.6 per 100,000). During the years when the epidemic of AVH was absent, ML among these groups was essentially lower: 40-20 among children aged 0-2 years and 4-5 among women aged 20-29 years. In 1987 in the Fergana Valley hepatitis E was detected in 72.2% of all examined patients, and in the southern areas of the country in 68.7%. A sharp rise on mortality among women of the productive age at the period of the epidemic rise of AVH morbidity in the endemic region indicated that this epidemic was linked with hepatitis E. High ML among young children may be indicative of a highly unfavorable course of hepatitis E in the group of infants, which had never been registered before. This newly established regularity may be used for the retrospective diagnostics of the outbreak of hepatitis E.
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