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Variation in Volatile Leaf Oils of Eleven Eucalyptus Species Harvested from Korbous Arboreta (Tunisia)
Authors:Ameur Elaissi  Hanène Medini  Mohamed Larbi Khouja  Monique Simmonds  Fréderic Lynene  Farhat Farhat  Rachid Chemli  Fethia Harzallah‐Skhiri
Affiliation:1. Pharmacognosy Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Avenue Avicenne, 5019 Monastir, Tunisia;2. INGREF, BP n.2, 2080, Ariana, Tunisia;3. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9?3AB, UK;4. Pfizer Analytical Research Centre (Parc), Departement of Organic Chemistry, Gent University, Krijgaslaan 281?S4 bis, B‐9000 Gent;5. Mineral Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, Avenue Avicenne, 5019 Monastir, Tunisia;6. Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir, Avenue Tahar Haddad, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia, (phone: +216‐73‐465405;7. fax: +216‐73‐465404)
Abstract:Hydrodistillation of the dried leaves of eleven species of the genus Eucalyptus L 'Hér ., i.e., E. astringens Maiden , E. camaldulensis Dehnh ., E. diversifolia Bonpl ., E. falcata Turcz ., E. ficifolia F. Muell ., E. gomphocephala DC., E. lehmannii (Schauer ) Benth ., E. maculata Hook ., E. platypus Hook ., E. polyanthemos Schauer, and E. rudis Endl ., harvested from Korbous arboreta (region of Nabeul, northeast of Tunisia) in April 2006, afforded essential oils in yields varying from 0.1±0.1 to 3.8±0.1%, dependent on the species. E. astringens and E. ficifolia showed the highest and the lowest mean percentage of essential oil amongst all the species examined, respectively. Analysis by GC (RI) and GC/MS allowed the identification of 138 components, representing 74.0 to 99.1% of the total oil. The contents of the different samples varied according to the species. The main components were 1,8‐cineole, followed by trans‐pinocarveol ( 1 ), spathulenol ( 2 ), α‐pinene, p‐cymene, (E,E)‐farnesol, cryptone, globulol ( 3 ), β‐phellandrene, α‐terpineol, viridiflorol, and α‐eudesmol. The principal‐component and the hierarchical‐cluster analyses separated the eleven Eucalyptus leaf essential oils into seven groups, each constituting a chemotype.
Keywords:Eucalyptus species  Essential oils  Hydrodistillation  Principal component analysis (PCA)  Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA)
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