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Reproductive parameters vary with social and ecological factors in the polygynous ant Formica exsecta
Authors:Rolf Kümmerli  Laurent Keller
Abstract:Due to their haplo‐diploid sex determination system and the resulting conflict over optimal sex allocation between queens and workers, social Hymenoptera have become important model species to study variation in sex allocation. While many studies indeed reported sex allocation to be affected by social factors such as colony kin structure or queen number, others, however, found that sex allocation was impacted by ecological factors such as food availability. In this paper, we present one of the rare studies that simultaneously investigated the effects of social and ecological factors on social insect nest reproductive parameters (sex and reproductive allocation, nest productivity) across several years. We found that the sex ratio was extremely male biased in a polygynous (multiple queens per nest) population of the ant Formica exsecta. Nest‐level sex allocation followed the pattern predicted by the queen‐replenishment hypothesis, which holds that gynes (new queens) should only be produced and recruited in nests with low queen number (i.e. reduced local resource competition) to ensure nest survival. Accordingly, queen number (social factor) was the main determinant on whether a nest produced gynes or males. However, ecological factors had a large impact on nest productivity and therefore on a nest's resource pool, which determines the degree of local resource competition among co‐breeding queens and at what threshold in queen number nests should switch from male to gyne production. Additionally, our genetic data revealed that gynes are recruited back to their parental nests after mating. However, our genetic data are also consistent with some adult queens dispersing on foot from nests where they were produced to nests that never produced queens. As worker production is reduced in gyne‐producing nests, queen migration might be offset by workers moving in the other direction, leading to a nest network characterized by reproductive division of labour. Altogether our study shows that both, social and ecological factors can influence long‐term nest reproductive strategies in insect societies.
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