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引用本文:郑儒永,陈桂清,胡复眉. 共头霉的单孢孢子囊变种[J]. 菌物学报, 1988, 7(Z1): 35-52
作者姓名:郑儒永  陈桂清  胡复眉
作者单位:中国科学院徽生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放研究实验室, 北京;中国科学院徽生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放研究实验室, 北京;中国科学院徽生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放研究实验室, 北京
摘    要:我们从江苏、浙江两省采到的一些样品中分离得到六株毛霉菌种并鉴定为分别属于三个变种的同一个新种,即单孢共头霉原变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al.sp. nov. var. monosporum),单孢共头霉冠囊变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al. var. cristatum Zheng et al. var. nov.),以及单孢共头霉多重生变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al. var. pluriproliferum Zheng et al. var. nov.).它们与共头霉属的唯一已知种总状共头霉(Syncephalastrum racemosum Cohn ex Schroeter)的主要区别在于全部孢子囊都是单孢的小型孢子囊(柱孢囊)而不是像后者一样孢子成单行排列的多袍柱孢囊.我们把这些菌归人共头霉属而没有为它们专门成立一个新属的理由除因它们与总状共头霉有明显的亲缘关系外,主要还因我们认为在不具备其它重要区别特征的情况下,在毛霉目的分类中,无论在科级或属级的水平上,都不应过分强调单孢孢子囊的作用.尽管单孢共头霉是毛霉目内唯一具单孢子柱孢囊的种,我们仍然把它们归入共头霉属内.至于我们为什么要把这六株菌鉴定为一个种的三个变种而不是三个各自独立的种,则是由于我们承认共头霉属的唯一已知种总状共头霉是一个变异性很大的种而并没有把它分成许多不同的种,因此,我们对这个属的另外一个种,即单孢共头霉同样采用较大的种概念.

关 键 词:单孢子  小型孢子囊  柱孢囊  共头霉属  单孢共头霉原变种  单孢共头霉冠囊变种  单孢共头霉多重生变种

ZHENG Ru-yong,CHEN Gui-qing and HU Fu-mei. MONOSPOROUS VARIETIES OF SYNCEPHA LASTRUM[J]. Mycosystema, 1988, 7(Z1): 35-52
Authors:ZHENG Ru-yong  CHEN Gui-qing  HU Fu-mei
Affiliation:Systematic Mycology & Lichenology Laboratory Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica, Beijing;Systematic Mycology & Lichenology Laboratory Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica, Beijing;Systematic Mycology & Lichenology Laboratory Institute of Microbiology, Academia Sinica, Beijing
Abstract:A new species. Syncephulusrrum monosporum sp. nov.. consisting of three varieties, var. monosporum, var. c.risrarum var. nov., and var. pluriproliferum var. nov. is described. All varieties differ from the monotypic species of the genus, Syncephalasrr racemosum Cohn ex Schroeter. by possessing only unispored sporangiola (merosporangia) instead of several-spored merosporangia. These are the first reports of monosporous merosporangia in any true Mucorales. Reasons for referring the new taxa to the genus Syncephalasrrum and not erecting a new genus to accommodate them, as well as the'differences among the new taxa themselves, are briefly discussed.
Keywords:monosporous  merosporangium  sporangiole  Syncephalasrrum  Syncephalaslrum monosporum sp. nov. var. monosporum  Syncephalastrum monosporum var. crisrurum var.  nov  Syncephalasfrum monosporum var. pluriprolijerum var. nov.
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